Monday, April 8, 2024

Undocumented Canadian Immigrants

Now it seems everyone has an opinion about people crossing our Southern border via California, Arizona, New Mexico, and the Republic of Texas, and honestly I have thoughts and opinions on that too--if you commit what can be charged as a felony you should absolutly be deported, and forbidden any further attempt at entry for the rest of their life regardless of reason.

From Felonies(dot)org

Generally, a first time charge of improper entry, when assigned criminal charges, will likely only be a misdemeanor, dependent on a lack of aggravating factors. However, any offenses after that may result in a felony charge. 

Now as anyone who knows me will back up, I believe we have had an illegal immigrant problem since 1492.  At this point I, like many of my fellow indigenous people have to accept y'all ain't leaving anytime soon and even if you did we'd be left with a hell of a mess to clean up.  So immigration is here to stay, but can we do anything about it? Yes

  • We need to enforce both Northern and Southern borders with brutal efficiency.
  • We need to deport all people who have immigrated illegally.
  • We may need to start putting ankle monitors on tourists so they can be found and deported when their visa expires as this is how 1.21% enter.
  • We need to stop H1B visa issuance.  We have enough homeless people, homeless veterans, and underemployed citizens, that could be put in accelerated classes to more than fill the need for this category.  So long as the unemployment rate is above 1% there is no need to import specialized workers.

Now the undocumented Canadians that I opened with are the opposite of most Spanish speaking immigrants in my experience.  Most Spanish speakers in my experience are hard workers, well intentioned, and just want to get ahead.  Whereas these Canadian's are violent to the point of attacking without provocation, defecate literally everywhere and on everything, swim where "no swimming" is clearly posted, tare up lawns, absolutely destroy flower beds, in general they are an absolute menace, and are all members of the Branta canadensis gang!  Yes, every single one of them belong to Branta canadensis!  I fear they may be a clone army as well because every blasted one of them looks exactly the same!

Photo: Tom Koerner/USFWS

USFWS Mountain-Prairie • Public domain

Maura out

We come from the land of the ice and snow

From the midnight sun where the hot springs flow

How soft your fields so green

Can whisper tales of gore

Of how we calmed the tides of war

We are your overlords

--Jimmy Page & Robert Plant

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