Monday, September 30, 2024

9-30-2024 General and channel updates


Cut some more on the downed tree/countertops Saturday. This marks the end of the 18 in/46cm logs.  Each log is 9 to 10 feet (2.7 to 3 m) and weighs about 500 Lbs/227 kg

Painted the ends of the kitchen counters Sunday morning

The paint keeps the logs from drying too fast & splitting as seen in the close up--those will get caulked later

It can take 3 to 5 years to dry, but there's a lot of hardwood in there, & should time out with the kitchen remodel.

On remodeling, with these logs out of the way I will have a roll off dumpster delivered in the next couple of weeks–weather permitting–and the tractor will be put to its first task it was bought for…emptying the collapsed section of the old guest house.

Yes this really is the first section.

The first part to be done will be a sort of separate section where the tractor and other yard equipment can be stored.  By keeping one structure I don’t have extra permits or property taxes and it finally gets the equipment out of the weather.  I have to start by adding a course of concrete blocks to the block foundation that is already there as the previous owner stopped the foundation at grade level.  By adding one row of blocks I move the walls up 8 inches/20 cm and prevent it from rotting again.  The roof slope will be increased and it will be topped with matching steel to the house.  Section one will set me back about $1,800 of which I still have the money donated to the task years ago by several twitter followers and a random Go Fund contributor.  All together the donation account has 25% of what I need.  By the time the shop is done I’ll have maybe $10k in the building with me doing all the work.

I have a new camera that I should be able to use on the tractor and to video the demo and construction.  I should have the memory cards for it soon…of all the things to forget.  So there should soon be regular video updates along with blog posts.

Maura The Maker as a channel has had a lot of thought over the last couple of weeks.  Obviously I have no to very limited help on this adventure as my kids are grown with their own lives, Buttercup only comes up about every eight weeks, and otherwise I live alone.  So everything is a “do it myself” project going forward–part of why I invested in the tractor.  As I go forward I am going to focus on my tool acquisitions from Harbor Freight, Temu, Amazon, Home Depot, Grizzly and Facebook Marketplace, as they are the easiest and most cost effective to get from.  Some tools will be made on site, and obviously acquiring used tools means some will have to be refurbished on site–metal lathe anyone?  I don’t wish to be one of those creators where just one of their tools equals a second hand Porsche or a new ¾ ton truck, to me those are unrealistic.  I have enough tools to get going, table-saw, 1957 Western Auto drill press–now with reverse–basic hand tools, etc, and if it is still there when I’m ready I know where an old Delta radial arm saw is at a good price.

I have no plans to date or even look for anyone at this time.  I may post my “what I’m looking for” list that I once gave to Jobe, but I seem to be attracted to very broken people and I’m done with that aspect of my life.  As to Jobe it is now nine months of absolute no contact; do I miss her?  No and yes.  I don’t miss the abuse, but I do miss not being able to share the good things that are in my life like getting the tractor.  I have come to terms though that the person I thought I knew does not nor ever did exist as she was a figment of Jobe’s own imagination, as much a creation by her as Wren Robbins is by me in my novel.

On my novel(s) the two books Victim 18 and Love Lust & Trust are selling abysmally well that implies they are selling which they aren’t.  The lack of sales has not been helpful in pushing me to finish the current work in progress either.  I do have a couple more shorts in the work, but I just haven’t been in the mood to work on them.

Therapy is slow, and very weird to be back in it again.  I’m told the latest round of emotional damage plus what I already carry will take a long time to finish unraveling if indeed it is ever finished.  I am no longer taking the bait when people try to rile me up so that’s a step though I have been working on that for years anyway.

Buttercup turns nine before this week ends, and will be back up over Samhain.  I’m waiting for her to ask to drive the tractor…maybe not yet.  She is now pushing five feet tall–supposed to be my height (6 ft 2 in) when she is done growing.  Her voice is suddenly shifting to a higher pitch lately too.

On me, the depression is less intense, hits less often and doesn’t last as long.  Recent blood work is exactly where it should be although the doc wants my A1c down a bit more.  Blood pressure is perfect for someone in their 20s so for a level 54 human on no blood pressure meds that’s good–no one in my family has managed that one before.  Weight is holding which is a bummer as the loss was going good then just slammed the brakes but still 100 Lbs down from my heaviest 30 years ago…need I mention this is a long standing battle?  The increase in the diabetes meds are supposed to help the weight loss get going again.  I don’t look in the mirror and see a “fat” person now, just someone with a bit to lose.

Two weeks ago my truck got T-boned at an intersection on the way to work.  It didn’t fare too bad.

Once the insurance companies get back to me it won’t be too hard to push that back out–yes I also do bodywork…okay so I’m a polymath.  Still drives okay but a few shifted things make driving it a bit squeaky for now.  I don’t see any point losing it as it still drives, is paid off, and runs well.  The lady that ran the stop sign was nowhere near as lucky as I was.  We both walked out of it so bent metal can be fixed.

Next weekend will be more brush burning…I have massive piles since I’ve been using the tractor to clear that city lot sized chunk of back yard.  So if it stays dry enough I may manage to burn off half of the piles.

I guess that’s it for now.

Maura Out

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