Saturday, January 29, 2022

off oil

I was recently looking through my old tweets and came across a thread that is still relevant today. With recent revelations of the U.S. government massing troops for yet—in my opinion—another conflict we should not be anywhere near. We should remember that we are not energy independent, and all the world has to do is shut off the oil taps to us—yes trade embargoes can be used against the U.S. too. So I am now here to bore you my thoughts—note they are thoughts not always facts. The thoughts have been well thought out but not heavily researched, and may or may not be encumbered by much of a thought process, advance at your own risk.

Beyond the obvious reduction of the U.S. carbon footprint, limiting greenhouse, blah, blah, blah. We as a nation should be converting to a mix of solar, wind, and nuclear power—yes nuclear has to be part of this mix because our mega-cities use mega-watts of power and for the foreseeable future no way around this. By temporarily renewing our own oil industry enough to supply the U.S. alone, and simultaneously converting to a mix of renewable and nuclear we could be energy independent rather quickly and off drilled oil in say ten to twenty years. To do this requires fast tracking nuclear power plant construction though, but removes the shackles foreign nations have on us by freeing our energy systems to local supply.

The first obvious problem most people will point to are cars and trucks. The average personal vehicle is designed to last 15 to 20 years—yep that's it. So if we began focusing on electric cars and getting a charging infrastructure in place we could be all electric in twenty years. We already have a standardized plug for electric vehicles much as we have a standard nozzle for fuel. The issue is we don’t have recharging stations, but we do have the infrastructure already. I’ve heard argued that we don’t have the infrastructure but that is because people think fueling stations are infrastructure, but those are just retail delivery points. The infrastructure I am referencing is our electric utility grid.

Now we have the grid in place so why don’t we have charging stations as convenient as the corner gas station? Well up until recently there just hasn’t been the demand for it. Some will argue that with electric cars and trucks we won’t have motor fuel taxes to fund the roads. (A brief aside, most of your states do not spend all of your motor fuel tax on the roads. Unless you are in Missouri the taxes go into general revenue and are lost in the budget—there is a reason our roads are in such sad shape. Now back on topic.) We don’t pay motor fuel tax after we pump fuel instead it is added to the cost per gallon so we could easily add an equivalent to the cost per kilowatt at open to the public and fleet charging stations—let’s leave home chargers out as that just gets messy to deal with, and most charging will be in stations rather than upgrading the power feed into a home.

Heavy duty trucks will take a while to phase through but Walmart and Peterbuilt have created a viable truck already (see this video) that would fill a gap for now. Yes the turbine runs on natural gas but I’d wager it could be altered to run on bio-diesel readily enough.

Air planes. As much as major airlines will hate my saying this, we need to eliminate short haul flights—things like St. Louis to Kansas City. This will cut emissions and honestly a lot of fuel use. There is a bio-jet fuel but it is not yet in production at the volumes we need—also it may help to know a lot more about chemistry than I do to understand that paper. Now how do people get between those spots? Road be it their car or bus or rail.

We do need to invest in our rail system, we do NOT need a government intervention for this. Is high speed rail something we should be looking toward? Maybe. Do we need an all in big government spending spree to do it? No. We have an excellent system of rail managers already in place ie: Union Pacific, Norfolk Southern, BNSF, etc. They already have rail right of ways & connections to equipment makers, all they lack is the right incentives to do passenger service and upgrade to high speed. Most will point to Amtrak as an abysmal failure but Amtrak is still highly regulated and is constantly poked and prodded by the federal government. Not to mention Amtrak does not own its rails and instead rents space from the major carriers. We give tax breaks to so many industries it is absurd so why not incentivise the rail industry to move people? They have the equipment, they have the thoroughfares, heck they even have the right of way at grade crossings. By having the major players pick this up you also eliminate congress critters who want a stop in every district—what’s the point of a train that can travel at 200mph/320Kph if it has to stop for fifteen minutes every fifty or a hundred miles? So how do we cover the gaps between stops? We need to also incentivise places like Greyhound to partner with the rail companies to cover the gaps and to convert to hybrid bio-diesel/electric buses.

The next argument: But trains run on oil to! Yes and they can easily run on bio-deisel—just like farm tractors & other heavy equipment. Modern diesel locomotives only use their diesel engines to turn a generator to supply large amounts of electricity to the traction motors located at the wheels it is possible—but many would not like the idea—to run these engines on nuclear power. In disclosure I’m not too keen on the idea either.

A big hidden issue that also needs addressed is the dirty business of the batteries in electric cars. The materials are not a local U.S. source using current technology so once again we end up importing materials—swap one demon for another? A good article on this is here.

So how do we make the switch if oil is predominated by some countries, nickel, lithium, and cobalt, by others? First we need to eliminate the restrictions on industrial hemp farming. The oil from hemp can be used for fuel, plastics, and paper. It uses less resources and can be grown readily. It stands to be a very viable alternative to petroleum and should be a fairly easy drop in—no drop in is 100% exact though.

We are already set up to make the switch but why don't we? Partly regulations. Partly lack of incentives to go forward, and partly career politicians listening to lobbyists.

If we want out of all these wars we have no business in then we need to look at our own backyard and ask "what can I do myself." A good place to start is by not choosing “next day delivery” when ordering on-line when it won’t hurt you to wait a few days, if it isn’t in a local hub then that package is being fast tracked and flown in. Find your local congress critter and personally lobby for changes, but not because they're green but because of our national security. We could also look at our largest carbon foot print and fuel consumer and that is our own military.

It takes enormous amounts of resources to keep U.S. troops all over the world between flying them in and out, suppling them, and routine training exercises our military uses a lot of fuel. Do we really need troops spread across 750 bases in 80 different countries?

"I think a submarine is a very worthwhile weapon. I believe we can defend ourselves with submarines and all our troops back at home. This whole idea that we have to be in 130 countries and 900 bases… is an old fashioned idea," the Texas congressman said on CBS's "Face the Nation." “It makes no sense at all. Besides, we're bankrupt - we can't afford it any longer."—Ron Paul (Source)

Now I am not so well versed as to say we can close all the bases and rely entirely on submarines as Mr. Paul says, but we could close most of those bases and maybe up our carrier attack groups. It doesn’t completely solve our carbon foot print issue but it doesn’t cut it down significantly, yet allows for rapid deployment of air and ballistic missile power IF they are needed. By pulling our resources out to international waters and out of the main shipping lanes we may actually find ourselves more agile—but I am no tactician. We would also increase our harmony with friend and foe alike—see our Japanese relations with Okinawa for an example of this. We take our honestly loud and boisterous youth out of the local influence and out of accusations way too.

Over all we need to move away from petroleum. How we do it will have to be a mixture for the foreseeable future, but technology is always improving. The big issue is we as a nation are stretched thin, we are over indulging on resources from other nations, and in the long run putting ourselves in danger.

The great rule of conduct for us, in regard to foreign nations, is in extending our commercial relations, to have with them as little political connection as possible. Europe has a set of primary interests, which to us have none, or a very remote relation. Hence she must be engaged in frequent controversies the causes of which are essentially foreign to our concerns. Hence, therefore, it must be unwise in us to implicate ourselves, by artificial ties, in the ordinary vicissitudes of her politics, or the ordinary combinations and collisions of her friendships or enmities... it is our true policy to steer clear of permanent alliances with any portion of the foreign world; so far, I mean, as we are now at liberty to do it; for let me not be understood as capable of patronizing infidelity to existing engagements.

— George Washington's Farewell Address

We don't need a treaty of mutual defense to entangle us, our need of energy has done that for us.

Saturday, January 22, 2022

So, where am I headed?

If you keep up with the personal aspects of my blog you know I recently set a list of goals for this year.

Goal 1, remove old guest house...
Turns out that Goal 1 and Goal 2 are very intertwined.  A portable building per the building code is doable but anything over 14' x 14' (or 201 sq-ft) requires site plans and a $125 permit.  Now this doesn't sound bad except for the line that says while the inspector is on the property they can cite you for any and all code violations they see.  My house is 70+ years old, there are several issues around the roof replacement that need finished (fascia boards, soffit, and sadly gutters--gutters on a house with an overhang cause more problems than they solve) to meet code.  Also it is possible that two large cedar trees will have to be removed--actually I know they need to come out but are so close to the house I have to have a professional drop them.
It turns out though I do not need any permits to redo the old guest house as it is an existing structure and bonus it existed before the county had planning & zoning or building codes so it is exempt!
I have discovered the building does indeed have a foundation!  It is made of concrete/cinder blocks.  Now the question is how do I work with this?  A lot of research will have to go into how to replace the bottom plates all the way around the building.  Also maybe I should add a solid concrete block to the foundation and possibly back fill the cinder blocks with concrete?
This is all going to take time.  Soon to be ex (STBE) is still willing to help finance some of this, but now I'm not too sure on any given day.  Maybe I can get the amount of money that would have been spent on a portable building, and use it toward this rebuild?  All my funding routes will stay active for now anyways.  All money already collected is staying in my Venmo and Cash apps until I need it for aspects of the project.
I will still have a sizable amount of material to be salvaged from the South wing of the building, so goals 3 through 7 will remain--I now have a good working drawing for my dining table drafted out.
I am now pouring myself into a search for a "normal" job.  I swore I'd never work for anyone else but me again when I "retired" but here I am.  I may have found an angle using my acquired skills that will allow me to slightly change careers so I can work with the arthritis.  I am currently not seeing any viable route toward working from home as I hoped to.  If I can land a job by early February I will have my 90 days in before STBE moves out--yes I sort of have a date range now.  I can bank some cash, some for shop, some honestly to replace things I will no longer have or that need replaced anyways.
The ten copper roses have moved to Etsy and hopefully they sell as that will give me some needed cash toward my goals.
So where does that leave my blog and YouTube channels?
Good question, honestly I will try to keep to a standard posting here as that isn't too hard.  The channel will get recorded as I can and may be more time-lapse than actual footage for Maura the Maker.  I plan to record Cooking with Maura every other week and have a couple of things planned for that aspect of the channel already.
Do to the issues involved in editing manuscripts I'm considering recording my books and releasing them in audio book format.  Maybe when I can, I'll get the text edited and publish in print.
Basically the hustle continues in all its forms but with the possibility of knocking 50 hours a week--takes time to get places--out of what time I have.  Then take out cooking, laundry, cleaning, shopping, I'm not left with a lot of time.
I'll keep the updates posted here, and yes there is potentially other news that is good but as stated before I can't share it yet.
So that's where things appear to be heading for now.
Donate/support Maura via:
My site
Go Fund Me
Red Bubble

Find me at:

Look for my logo to know it is genuine Alwyen!

Saturday, January 15, 2022

Local gets things done!

"All politics are local." --Tip O’Neill

Change does not start in Washington, it begins at the municipal and county level. If this sounds ludicrous consider the patchwork of Cannabis laws across the United States right now; Federally it is a Schedule one drug and possession could land you tens of years in a federal prison, but in Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Illinois, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, Montana, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Oregon, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, and the District of Columbia, it is legal to posses and use as you see fit so long as the feds don't catch you. So why is it legal in those eighteen states? Because voters took the imitative to lobby their state senators and representative, and in some cases their right to force the question "Should Cannabis be legal in our state?" to the voters via initiative petition drives. But Maura there are still a lot of states where it isn't legal! Yes and no. There are an additional fifteen states where it is legal for medicinal use thus leaving seventeen states where it is illegal or 34% of states.

The point here is that lobbying the Federal government for anything is pointless unless you have a very large purse.

Now local is a much more doable route, and if a concerted effort were to be put forth We The People could force an amendment to the Constitution of the United States (COTUS). Wait Maura! Only Congress can change COTUS! Nope the states also have that power!

The Constitution provides that an amendment may be proposed either by the Congress with a two-thirds majority vote in both the House of Representatives and the Senate or by a constitutional convention called for by two-thirds of the State legislatures. (Source)

Honestly this is probably a less Herculean task today than it would have been in the past. Now there is a downside to a Convention of the States, we don’t know for certain what will come out. The last time a Convention happened was in may of 1887 “Although they had gathered to revise the Articles of Confederation, by mid-June they had decided to completely redesign the government.” (Source) The outcome was our current COTUS. Now one can imagine what would come out today if very strict Tar and Feather-able offenses were not spelled out to the delegates before hand:

  • Do NOT change any existing amendments!

  • Stick strictly to the list provided!

  • Do not try and sneak anything in.

  • Each amendment shall be written in plain U.S. English! No foreign words. No uncommon among the general population terms or words. NO LATIN!

  • No carve out exceptions for anyone or anything.

  • No amendment shall exceed one half of one typed page on 8 ½ by 11 inch paper with ½ inch margins all the way around, single spaced, set in no less than 14 point Garamond font.

  • Delegates shall be randomly chosen from among the general population of the state and shall not currently or previously hold ANY public office be it elected, appointed, or hired in.

So what issues need to be addressed in this script?

  • Ballot Zombies or dead persons that are not cleared from the ballot roles.

  • Executive Dictatorship or any governmental person using executive order to circumvent Congress

  • Ballot Harvesting or persons who are not sworn to duty by their Secretary of Election to collect ballots in an official capacity.

  • An addendum to the Fourth Amendment which currently reads as follows: “The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.” Now what would the addendum add? To be secure in our digital persona and possessions, to ban civil asset forfeiture.

  • A right to privacy. This shall apply to all of our issues be they medical, digital, anything identifying such as digital searches, our home addresses, credit checks not signed off for by us, this list can and should be exhaustive!

  • Reciprocity between states

  • Term limits for all Congress persons so that no Congress person shall exceed twelve years in office be it by vote or appointment.

  • Termination of all congressional pay, health care, pensions, in any form on the Congress persons last day in office. (If Social Security is good enough for the population then it is good enough for them.)

  • All laws must Sunset and shall last no more than 20 years from date of effect. They cannot be reauthorized and MUST be fully re-voted upon and resigned by the President every time.

  • All Governmental divisions shall fall under the purview of Congress and as such their administrators shall be discharge-able or impeachable by a vote of congress. There shall be no immunity from prosecution for any official who fails to to their job while upholding t an oath to COTUS.

  • An end to Qualified Immunity.

  • Make it a high crime for any law enforcement personnel to have any form of sex with any suspect or person in holding with no exceptions.

  • Senators and Representatives shall be subject to recall by there states and by initiative petition by their constituents.

  • No person working for the Federal Government shall invest in publicly traded stocks, or bonds, be they foreign or domestic.

  • Congressional salaries shall be fixed to no more than 150% of the average hourly constituent of the area they represent. Presidential salary shall be fixed to 200% of the average Social Security beneficiary.

  • In order to curtail lobbying efforts and bring control back to the local level Congress shall meet virtually from their local offices and shall not keep an office or domicile within the greater metropolitan area of the District of Columbia unless their district happens to be in that area.

  • Statehood shall be offered to Puerto Rico and all other U.S. holdings.

I’m sure most all of you could add to this list but it’s a beginning and if we could get the States in place to do this we may start to wrestle some semblance of control back from the Federal beast again. Is it a pipe dream? Maybe, but this would be basically a revolution without firing a shot, where no one gets more than their feelings hurt, and where we can honestly say “We the people in order to make a more perfect union did something other than complain to the void.”

Saturday, January 8, 2022

So what are the plans for 2022

This is a slightly awkward post for me as I've always laid out plans and ended up flying by the seat of my pants anyways.  Maybe having goals in print will help?

Goal 1: Remove the old guest house.
If you're new to my blog, or my twitter stream I have an old guest house behind my house; for the last (almost) three years it has been an ongoing issue, and a back and forth of use it for a shop, or scrap it.  Well, it has to be scrapped--more details are in this previous post.
Now as mentioned before in that previous post the guest house still has a lot of potentially good lumber in it.  That wood will be "rescued" and stacked aside for later use.  What can't be salvaged will be burnt to cut down on the cost of roll off dumpsters.
As you are reading this I am most likely ferrying the few things stored inside the guest house to various locations to get them out of the way.  Once under way the dismembering will be videoed and added to the channel once or maybe twice a week.
Goal 2: The New Shop
So far it looks as though the new shop will come as a premade building.
I don't need construction permits and I don't have to freeze my butt off building it.
I can do all the wiring and record it for the channel.
We will have a complete series on wiring from the weather head, to the meter can (box your meter is mounted in), and all the way through the breaker box, and on out to the outlets and lights.
From wiring we will progress to insulation.
Then drywall
And whatever I use for floor covering.
Workbench construction--from mostly reclaimed lumber
Building a better table for the table saw--again from mostly reclaimed lumber
Loading it with tools
None of this is possible if I do not get the Go Fund Me to actually fund me.  (If you can please share the link at the bottom everywhere you can.  I need eyeballs to make this goal and get this to work.)
Goal 3: A New Bed
My bed is older than my youngest child (27 quickly coming up on 28!)
The mattress has seen better days.
The frame squeaks and pops.
The headboard was a hand me down from the mid 70s, and does not actually fit the frame very well.
How will I achieve this?
I'll have a woodwork shop.
I'll have a large stack of lumber.
So why not build a very sturdy bed?
In this endeavor I have already been sketching it out.

Goal 4: A Dining Table
I will be making do with a patio table and chairs until I get this made.  Again, I'll have the woodwork shop and a stack of lumber so why not?

Goal 5: Living Room Furniture
Let's face facts, I won't have any and I'd like somewhere to sit other than at the dining table.  So a Sofa, a pair of chairs, end tables, coffee table(?still considering this one)
Sorry no sketch of living room furniture yet.
Goal 6: Be Smaller
Be thinner for me.  Based on the last time I was on the scale I have about 30 pounds (13.6 Kg) to drop--this was worked out between me and my doctor so not a random number.  Now I know this is doable as at one time I was 287 pounds!

Goal 7: Fascia

This is the one thing left undone from replacing the roof and hopefully I'll have enough one by's to tie this up.  The soffit will be continuously vented vinal that has to go in after the fascia is in place.

There's a few other things I could add but nothing major.

Now the roses!
Want to see one being made?  Click here!

The ten copper roses are complete!  Serial numbers 0421 through 1321 are now available--last two digits are the year I made them, leading digits are the sequence they were finished in.

As you can see there is color variation from rose to rose as well as petal variation, they are each hand made, and soldered individually.  The solder is a nickle/silver solder commonly used in Air Conditioning repair and installation, it is obviously highly durable and why I chose it.
Each rose is packaged like this and ready to ship.

If you were to zoom in on any of the roses you will see a grayish spot in the center of each rose head, this is the silver bearing solder.

The pins on the back are adhered with a cyanoacrylate adhesive (Super Glue) and in the event one were to come loose can easily be reattached--just don't glue your fingers to it.

Pins are put through a heavy paper backer to secure rose during shipping.


So how do you snag one of these beauties?  Any donation to my building fund over $150!  Now you can donate via any method on my Help Support Maura page, or via my Go Fund Me now here's the fine print:

First make the donation

Screen shot the donation

Contact me via my Contact Email on my website's contact page.

Attach the screen shot!  I have no other way to verify if it was you buying if you do not attach the unredacted screen shot.  I will not share your information.

Include a ship to address and a ship to name.  If I have no name I will have to assume the name that shows on the screen shot is who I am shipping to.  I also have to know if it is a business address as the shipping agent asks.

Once the money has cleared I will ship the rose--roses will be sent based on which one I grab so there is no rhyme or reason as to which one you will receive.
I am creating a origin certificate to go with each rose and will be shipped with each unit.
Roses will be insured at a $200.00 U.S. value. 

One rose per donation.
International recipients please note you will be liable for any VAT, import duties, and or other taxes on a suggested retail value of $200.00 U.S. and I will need to bill for shipping charges over $10.00 U.S.

This is a limited time offer and is valid from 00:00 Central U.S. time January 8, 2022 until 23:59 January 16, 2022.  After that, remaining stock will be put on Etsy at $175.00 U.S. plus shipping, tax, etc.
Current stock on hand 10 units (This will be updated as they are claimed)
May the odds be ever in your favor!

Donate/support Maura via:
My site
Go Fund Me
Red Bubble

Find me at:

Look for my logo to know it is genuine Alwyen!

Saturday, January 1, 2022

Happy 2022!

Happy New Year!

Let's look at some accomplishments and issues from over the last year:

I have 75% of my yard cleared of brush and most all of that has been burned.

I have gone from not being able to enter the abandoned building out back to able to walk around in one section of it.

I discovered I cannot use the building as my shop because the sill plates are rotting from ground contact.

Divorce is agreed to be legal within the next year and ironically we get along as friends better now.

A promise my spouse made years ago is being upheld and they are buying me a portable shed to use as a shop.  Not exactly what I'd hoped for in a shop but I could be shop-less, so...

The pile of boxes in the corner of the living room is continuing to grow as the spouse packs their things to move.

I established my YouTube presence and am getting more comfortable in front of the camera--though I need more practice keeping the camera angles right.

My YouTube channel is growing as are view numbers.

I set this blog into motion and though the numbers are small readership is holding steady.

I was confident enough to upload an actual selfie for my twitter and YouTube profiles--believe me that is BIG.

I became a contributor to Ordinary-Times Magazine as well

What's coming my way?

With demoing the old building a kings ransom in 1x4's to 1x12's gets to be salvaged along with loads 2x4's.

All that lumber equals some good workbench material and furniture!

The new building will give me a nice amount of actual Maura the Maker video material from converting it from basic utility shed to maker space.  It is actually slightly lager at 280sqft than most famous YouTube makers have such as Colin Furz's shed (his is 5m x 3.5m or 16.4 ft x 11.48 ft or 188 sqft) and he can turn out some really amazing things so with any luck I'll be able to as well.

The reclaimed lumber will also allow me to finish the fascia boards on the house from last years roof project--yes I know they should have been done already but have you priced 1x8 lumber lately!

As mentioned in a previous post I may have two books coming out this coming year!  Once my current head cold clears up I will be turning Space Trucker into an audio book and getting it up for sale as well.

As noted many times before at this time everything I make on donations, art sales, writing, all goes towards getting the shop up and running.  Once it is going then all money goes towards my daily bills.

There is other good news coming over the next year but sadly I am not in a position where I can disclose anything further, but trust me some of it is BIG!

For now your all caught up and hopefully all sober.  May the new year find us all in better places mentally, physically, and spiritually.

Blessed be y'all,


Donate/support Maura via:
My site
Go Fund Me
Red Bubble

Find me at:

Look for my logo to know it is genuine Alwyen!

2-3-2025 yard & life updates

Over the weekend I had to use the tractor to drag my truck out of the mud that is my driveway. Some may wonder why the driveway is a mud bog...