Friday, November 11, 2022

Uh, yeah...there have been issues

Let's start with the elephant in the room; Victim 18 posts will resume Sunday November 13, 2022.
As regular Twitter followers know I've been depressed of "WOE, LIGHTEN UP!  DO YOU NEED WEED!?" depressed--no I do not use drugs, never have never will.  For those that wonder "why not see the doctor and get an anti-depressant?" they have VERY adverse effects on me and as a result I can't take them.
I have been very worried about Jobe who is technically working three full time jobs.  Now if we do a little math that's 120 hours a week and there is only 168 hours in a week leaving them 48 hours to cook, clean, take care of their family, and sleep....see a problem here?  Fortunately one job is seasonal and will be ending soon.  One shuts down the week of Thanksgiving too so some rest for Jobe but now we enter THE HOLIDAY SEASON!
On top of that I had to ghost my birth family.  This has been slowly coming to a head for years, I have not spoken to my younger brother in probably five years because he only makes contact when he needs money.  My baby brother is a pathological liar--no exaggeration he lies so much most of the town he lives in avoids him and won't speak to him.  I stopped speaking to him when he told a major lie that put my children, grand child, my once wife, and myself, in a major lurch in July.
Mom was the last one left.  She caused a lot of trouble early on in my dating and marriage to once wife.  She had begun trying to cause issues in my current relationship--telling me my...let's go ahead and say partner, is having an affair on me, that they don't love me because they don't talk to me enough, etc, etc, etc, ad nauseam.  I found out via one of my children that she hates my partner--this is weird seeing as they have never met, nor ever talked to each other.  She hated my once wife at first too and all the same asinine bovine fecal matter came out of her then too.  Add to this promising me inheritance from her mom that she then gave to baby brother, and her telling me that she did not want me and it's only because of my dad I am here or she'd have gone to Oklahoma--in 1969 Oklahoma was apparently the only state in the area that allowed elective abortions.  Yes my mother shared that information with me directly.
So I no longer have a birth family, they are dead to me.  This has been a long time coming and believe me I have fought this choice, but I have been told many times over the years that my birth family is highly toxic...I just didn't want to listen.  Having them gone has improved my mood, made it easier to deal with my partner being quieter than their usual self, and freed up a surprising amount of time--any call from my mother was guaranteed to be an hour minimum.  It has helped some in dealing with once wife as well since we are still friends.
Once wife has had some fairly major health scares to top things off and though we are not getting back together I still don't want to see her hurt or worse.  I can honestly say I have been worried about her health as well.
Proof read of Victim 18 has been delayed because once wife is my proof reader.
At this point I am a bit behind in cleaning around the house, but have eaten probably too much ice-cream...
I did buy a very nice patio sofa set and it is now my living room sofa--don't knock it it was a great price...okay I'm frugal.
The old guest house/workshop to be is still cleaning out slowly.  Funding for the shop has basically been at a total standstill for months so I really have no idea when that project will move forward.  With inflation and fuel prices I don't have the money left that I anticipated having to pour into it--more reasons for being down.
Mentally I have begun creating the funding follow up to the UBHC post.
I have a piece on roads forming in my head.
My work truck is now plated, and will soon have a box on the back so I can carry tools strictly in it...once I get tires on it...
I think that should bring everyone up to speed with my oversharing.
Have a great weekend everybody.

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