Sunday, August 13, 2023


Ardent readers will have noticed that I posted nothing last week.  Saturday was spent with Buttercup, and Sunday was the trip down and back to take her home.  Once Wife meets about halfway along now and it keeps me from doing a 16 hour flip flop.  We need to find a more equal spot though as I do about 5 hours of drive to her 8, but like most details it will eventually work out.

Last Saturday was hair trimming day for me and I had Buttercup's done at the same time as otherwise I'd have to start calling her knot-head.  I think it was her first actual time getting her hair done by a beautician, and once up in the chair very articulately explained what she had asked Once Wife for as her last hair cut, and how she just did not like it on herself--the beautician was impressed.  So it got evened up, split ends clipped off and she was happy--note Once Wife did not mess it up Buttercup's hair grows uneven and she really just didn't like the bob cut she asked for.

While waiting for our hair trimmings we roamed around Target, and found a Minecraft Zombie for the extra bedroom.  We found Minecraft table lamps and she asked how much?  I told her and found her answer amusing "$40?! Are they crazy?!"  I think I will be making some bedside lamps to match in the near future.

Buttercup let me know in no uncertain terms she is upset with me and former girlfriend (FG) for not talking about the misunderstanding that has FG not here.  She feels we would be happy together (as do I) as I was so happy when I knew FG was coming.  "You did so much to get ready for her."  I had to explain that I am open to fixing things, that I have and am still trying to, but FG is the one stalling/ignoring, and swears she doesn't think it can be fixed; never tell me something can't be fixed as I will keep trying anyways--as proof I spent 25 years trying to fix things with Once Wife.

The only issue I had/have with FG is the suddenly going silent.  Yes I still blame the job from Hell as again the silence only started when the job ramped up and became demanding.  Remember her estranged husband, and mother both have the same opinion of her boss and job that I do, and I know this because FG told me herself.  The Universe keeps telling me to be patient.  That she does love me.  It gave me a very specific date and an event that would happen with her recently, and the event did happen on the date the Universe revealed.  So I follow the Universe's instructions and try to be patient--no I have not prayed/asked for patience.  (For those unaware, NEVER ask the Universe for patience as you get trials to teach you patience.)  I have been informed by the Universe that there is a third party at her end who has cast a spell/curse/hex between us as they did not like how she feels for me, it does explain a lot about the abruptness of everything.  I can only pray that her eyes are opened and she sees what I do soon: that her job is abusive to her and disrespectful of her time with her kids, that her boss is not who she thinks they are, that she has it in her already to do everything she does now on her own and for herself.  That I have in the past and even fairly recently tried to help her and am fully willing to help her set out on her own with what she does, but from here on, only if she is here with me.  Prayers are appreciated to help her see, and break whatever spells are set between us.

While FG is mentioned, I am having dreams about her again which I haven't for a while--no not that type so get your mind out of the gutter.  I can again feel strong emotions from her.  I can tell if she has read something I have sent her again as well.  Yes I have that close of a connection to her.

It has rained a lot here of late so last Sunday found me on the mower after I got home from dropping off Buttercup, and in trying to go over the front yard a second time I had a stick get in the drive belt...and shredded it.  So push 600 Lbs/272 Kg of zero turn mower back around the house and put it away--I'm glad my yard is flat.  Got the new belt Wednesday, put it in Saturday and got back to mowing.  The last owner of my property was a hoarder, like a big time hoarder and probably would have watched the show Hoarders and told them those were "rookie numbers!"  Now why do I mention this in a paragraph about mowing?  Because I have yet to get rid of all the flotsam and jetsam of his and there is a large encampment of flotsam that apparently some critter has been in and it managed to drag a long, heavy, piece of fabric out of the pile of mysteries which the mower blade grabbed, and wrapped around itself and a bearing tower in a tight embrace...I spent an hour extracting that piece of fabric from the mower deck.

Well try as I want the copy of Victim 18 from the proofreader will not allow me to open it for edits.  It came back with the active table of contents gone and for the upload it has to be active.  So all that waiting and then getting my own butt in gear was a waste.  The book is now active to buy but could be up to 72 hours before it propagates through Amazon's system.  I can't be upset with the proofreader as this book has been plagued with a series of issues since not long after I began writing it--on a Palm Pilot!  Word tried deleting it several times and was constantly changing the formatting.  I had a system wipe it to make room for a system update--why I no longer use Windows.  A constant battle has been waged between myself, software, and this book.  The big thing is it is active in both paperback and Kindle now and when it is available I will post links across all of my accounts--and here

I should get my heavily hail damaged SUV into the shop in late September?!  Yep, that many damaged cars in the area but golf-ball sized hail that covers your yard enough to look like gravel tends to do that.  I'm glad I put a steel roof on the house when I redid it or I'd have been looking at another roof already.

I guess that's about it for this week.

Maura out

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