Saturday, August 24, 2024


This started as a writing prompt from X, I'm not sure that I am done yet though.

        The large shooter's marble Steff had picked up earlier in the day, suddenly felt hot in her pocket.  She had to think if she had again put a nine volt battery in her pocket only to get against a coin, but just as soon as she thought that the heat began to burn her leg.  She quickly ran her hand up the outside of her jeans pushing the marble out of her pocket, and into her hand.  She quickly dropped the now glowing, hot orb to the floor and ran to the kitchen.  Grabbing a pair of tongs she returned to the orb lest it set her flat on fire!

        Picking the marble up she made haste to the kitchen sink, and just as she turned on the tap and the water flowed she noticed the glowing had stopped.  Moving her free hand closer she discovered the marble no longer seemed to be giving off heat.  Taking the now cool marble in her hand she began to stare at it and noticed the colors from earlier were gone and as she stared through it it began to vibrate.  She recognized the vibration had a pattern, and from deep in her childhood memories she began to piece together it was More’s code.

“Please stand by, this can take a while.”

The message just kept repeating, and she was transfixed upon the orb so hard that she had barely registered the soft pulsing pink glow--like a heart beat within the orb.  Suddenly she came out of the trance she had been in, and taking a candle out of a candle stick she balanced the orb in the candle’s place.

Without realizing, hours had passed while Steff was in her trance.  She was famished as if she had been working hard all day, and though it was only four, and mid July it was utterly dark both outside of and inside her flat.  At the window she looked out, and the sky was black as pitch, with vivid streaks of bright blue lightning criss-crossing the black clouds, occasionally striking the antennas and masts on the skyscrapers around her.  Through the impressive light show a cacophony of sounds from the myriad of thunder claps vibrated everything.

Steff being confused, and scared, reached into her freezer, pulled out a new liter of double chocolate chunk, ice-cream, and grabbed a soup spoon.  She sat on her stool at the counter, eating from the carton.  She resumed staring at the orb that was once again glowing, and filling the room with a soft pink light even though no lights were on in the flat.

With a start Steff realized the only light and sound outside was from the storm, and with a quick look outside she could see everything was entirely dark.  No car headlights, no lights in the other windows, no streetlights, just darkness, and out of some unknown panic she closed her shades on the world since only her flat seemed to have light.

It was nearly midnight when the orb began making sounds then it split open.  An ethereal wisp of blue smoke emerged from the split orb.  The smoke danced, and twirled as it slowly took a form she recognized–a dragon.  Its body was more of a slender salamander, its wings more bat-like, and its head was more akin to a lion than she expected, right down to a mane of bright blue feathers.  The dragon was a meter long, and its outstretched wings were just over a meter as well, though it did not leave them stretched for long, but the most amazing thing was it spoke.

“It has been long, since I have been free, thank you for the final incubation I needed.  You must have found favor with Ra for him to send me to you.  My name is Mehen and from this day henceforth I am your protector, guide, and servant.”

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