Monday, April 10, 2023

What is in a lie?

Let's start with this pic is a lie created by my phone overexposing the view out the kitchen window.
This is actually what it looked like when I looked out.

Now the 1st image does look nice, more inviting, crisp even, but much like an advertisement it isn't what you're getting.
So what is a lie?  Well sodium hydroxide for starters...wait that's lye not lie--see even words do it 😁

A lie is any misrepresentation or deception, the intent does not matter the fact is any misrepresentation is a lie.  A bearing of false witness is a lie.  Photoshopping your dating profile is a lie.  Representing yourself as someone you aren't on social media is a lie.  White washing your past?  Again a lie but by omission because again you are misrepresenting only this time by omitting less favorable truths.

We tend to grade lies too:
A little white lie.
A white lie.
A story.
A whopper.
A tall tail.
Wow that's a load of bull sh**.
What a crock.
That story could land ya 10 to 30.
Yes I have heard everyone of these in my 53 years orbiting Sol.

We also run into what Obi-Wan Kenobi stated in the Star Wars series "What I told you was true, from a certain point of view."  This is probably the worst to handle as one is telling the truth but the listener is hearing a lie.

Here is a common one people don't always consider; hiding social media accounts from your partners is deceptive and the root of deception is a lie.  You could say sub-tweeting is a lie because multiple people will think it is about them and wonder what they did to deserve it by not confronting the person directly you have lied from a certain point of view to several others--I have been a victim of thinking a sub-tweet was about me and of being sub-tweeted too.

As for myself, I have two basic rules above all others because I have been lied to so many times throughout my life: "Be open, be honest."  That is probably my single worst boundary to cross because again I've been lied to or about so many times in my life and the certain point of view argument is one I don't readily accept.  The second is don't go silent on me, going silent to me is lying by omission because the issue that caused it is not dealt with and is still there.  The silence ensures the issue will come up again and again until it is finally dealt with and by that point it will be a malignant festering issue that is hard to move past.  If someone owns up to me that they lied and shows remorse I'm willing to let it go and move on, seriously I accept the apology and it is over--I've been told I am very simplistic on that but isn't that really what all religions tell us we are to do?

So what brought this up?  Honestly it started from the two pics up top, and they got me to thinking about recent events in my own life and now here we are--and no not just the former girlfriend I basically work customer service after all.

The best advice I can give anyone is never lie.  If you never tell a lie you never have to remember what you told someone to keep from getting caught.

Maura out

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