Thursday, December 29, 2022

We have had a long road to where we are.

So how long have we as a nation been a corptocracey?  158 years
“We may congratulate ourselves that this cruel war is nearing its end. It has cost a vast amount of treasure and blood...It has indeed been a trying hour for the Republic; but I see in the near future a crisis approaching that unnerves me and causes me to tremble for the safety of my country. As a result of the war, corporations have been enthroned and an era of corruption in high places will follow, and the money power of the country will endeavor to prolong its reign by working upon the prejudices of the people until all wealth is aggregated in a few hands and the Republic is Destroyed. I feel at this moment more anxiety for the safety of my country that ever before, even in the midst of war.
God grant that my suspicions may prove groundless.”
—Abraham Lincoln, in a letter to (Col.) William F. Elkins, Nov. 21, 1864

Sunday, December 25, 2022

A look backward & a view forward

Apparently there comes a point in your life where you can look forward and backward and just say "what happened to my goals, and where am I heading?"

Let's look backwards through my year:
It opened on an odd note as I finished 2021 with a hopeful response from earlier in the year that Jobe would be coming to live with me and yet my Once Wife turned house mate had not left yet.

I had to put my Maura The Maker & Cooking With Maura projects on hold as I had to find a normal job--paychecks are better than no paycheck.  This was a sad event for me as I'd of rather pursued my own employment and done the projects I desired.

Jobe gave me a major confirmation of arrival in January and I was on cloud nine.

February: I spent most of the month working forty plus hours a week applying for jobs plus teaching my grand-daughter.

March:  I turned 52 to no applause and continued looking for employment.  Interviews happened but nothing was turning up and I was getting desperate.  Having been out of work to raise my grand-daughter became a bit of a hurdle.  For some reason employers would rather steal employees from each other as opposed to hire someone reentering the workforce from raising a child.

April:  With assistance from my former Director I landed a job in the first week of April--the job I'm in now.

May:  I bought an old Ford Ranger halfway through the month...if you ever buy a vehicle from a dead person you will need an official death certificate, a bill of sale, a notarized statement of how the person you are conducting the transaction with has power of attorney to release the vehicle, then sales me I learned the hard way and it took many trips to the DMV "great you have___,but you also need form___."  To make it worse I bought the truck in one state and titled it in was September by the time I had plates.

May also saw a packing frenzy as my once wife began packing what she was taking with her on her way out of state to her new job.

June:  The first week saw the departure of the Once Wife (OW).  What left with her and what was abandoned still makes no sense what so ever. (We get along better 7 hours apart than we have for the last 26 years of our 32 year marriage.)

June also saw the beginning of my current weight loss and so far I'm down 16 pounds/1 stone/7.25kg the closest guess an Md has given me puts me half way to my goal from April to now.  If you are curious at my heaviest I was 287 Pounds and currently 198 so 89 pounds down over all by the time I'm at goal I'll have lost an entire person 😳

I bought some more one piece swimsuits in June and Jobe even told me I was "hot"--the only person to have ever told me that.

July:  Was just busy and lonely as Jobe's job started eating all of their free time and they started going quiet--need I mention again that their job is abusive?

July also saw my daughter move out and across town (30 minutes away) so I am the epitome of empty nester right now.

August:  Early on found me in high spirits until I found out Jobe was not arriving as planned--their job took up so much time they didn't manage to have time for mood crashed and Jobe took on more work and went silent for quite a while.  My mood tanked, dishes piled up.  I was doing good to keep up the yard and laundry--washed yes, put

September: Is a fog but by then I thought Jobe was pushing me out of their life and wanted me gone.

October:  Opened up briefly, I invited Jobe and their kids up for Thanksgiving.  I actually went to see a friend's band play at October Fest.  But by the end of the month I knew Jobe wouldn't be able to make a visit it do to extended family issues, BUT they mentioned possibly visiting in December or January!!!!!

October also marked my final split with my birth family.  The details are messy and stretch back to early July, but suffice to say they are dead to me.  All numbers and emails are blocked and it has honestly helped my depression.  My mom confided things in me I did not need to know.  She confided that she gave my inheritance from my grandma to my baby brother.  She was also constantly telling me Jobe is having an affair on me and that's why Jobe hadn't come up and why she was shutting down on me...more mental abuse and no my mom has never met Jobe nor lives anywhere near Jobe.

November:  I was hoping with Jobe's seasonal job ending at Thanksgiving we would get back to normal, it's improved but not yet even as I write this on Christmas day.  My kids and I spent Thanksgiving together, I am learning my kids do not hate me and that my son has a lot of mental quirks that I do as well...something hidden from me by OW.

I also learned that sliding down a set of damp, leaf covered, stairs really hurts one's tailbone for about two weeks 😳!

December:  Has been a mix of up and down but mostly down, dark, and nearly not here.  I've had no further updates on that Dec/Jan visit and I've begun to think it was a shared half thought.

I learned that Jobe has a MASSIVE work thing that hits halfway between now and when I hoped they'd be here--I'm afraid the job will once again delay their arrival.

I probably spent too much on my grand-daughter for Christmas, I had fun shopping for Jobe and their kids and was pleased with the cost--now I hope to get pictures from that.  I did ask Jobe for Jobe for Christmas, I guess time will tell on that.

So what is up with 2023?

1) Hopefully Jobe get's up here this summer--I have seriously considered the opposite and me moving there however:
Jobe when asked has offered no response to the proposition.  Besides I own my house and acre of ground outright here and the housing market there is insane!  My kids are both on the spectrum and as a result still need me from time to unscheduled time--Jobe says I'm a good mom.  I hate the idea of a mortgage at this point in my life as 30 years out makes me 83!  Not to mention all I heard growing up was how we were so close to the bank taking the house that I have a learned fear of mortgages.  My current home would take 3 years of constant work to be saleable in a way that would make enough money to be worth selling it.

2) When the divorce is finalized I'll start the process of legally being Maura Alwyen and abandoning my birth name...lots of papers to amend with that: birth cert, license, deed, car titles, bank accounts, high school records...

3) Start distance learning; probably business or construction management

4) Get the YouTube channel back to production

5) Finish the yard work

6) Hopefully get the shop started--this will see me pushing my Go Fund Me a bit harder.

7) Get Victim 18 into print form and maybe another novel as well.

Ambitious goals, and they'll be hard pressed on my own to get it all going let alone done.

At this point I have to say my kids, and OW are the reason I am still here.  It's been hard on them as I have slid back and forth in emotions between okay and begging for death.

No, I can't take "Happiness" from a pill bottle as I have a condition that makes those medications have VERY bad reactions.  I could list my issues but that's a rabbit hole best left for when I do pass, for now suffice that I survived childhood rape, childhood domestic violence, childhood mental abuse, and earned more as an adult--I've had a gun literally held to my head more than once and yet I am still very pro-second amendment.

I really have been told that I am not supposed to live alone ever by three different Phd level psychologists.  I figured "June to August, I can manage that!"  And I sort of did, but since then not so well.

At this point as I have asked before, say prayers that Jobe gets here soon.  It may sound like I'm one sided on this but that's because I can't give too many details about how this benefits Jobe as well without basically outing them and I know a few of you have already worked out who they are on your own.

So that's the recap and the plan.


If you want to help with the shop project

Saturday, December 17, 2022

Victim 18 Post 60 and the end of the story

“Study these pictures and let us know.”

Norman tosses a packet of photos onto the table in front of Wren and heads to the cabinets to start setting the table. Wren opens the packet and starts looking at the pictures in disbelief.

“How did you get these?”

“Digital cameras are a wonderful thing, pictures almost in an instant. But it did take two of us to get them all after you left yesterday.”

“I see I can’t let the two of you be alone together either.”

They all sit and eat their breakfast together in relative silence as Wren looks at the pictures then bunches them into a pile while she finishes her meal. After breakfast she sees them both off to work then sets about cleaning the kitchen. She spends the better part of the morning going over the pictures and working out how to get into the home before gathering the necessary tools into her backpack. The afternoon is spent cleaning her weapons and preparing them for the night's work. She feels the trepidations that come before each kill amplified by the fact that her own family is now very much involved. She would prefer they were not but she also knows that there is no stopping them at this point. Though she would still prefer to do this alone and is more than half tempted to do just that.

Norman arrives home as Wren is finishing the assembly of the jacket gun. He heads on into their room as Wren starts putting her gear into a duffel bag for later. Norman reemerges from their room dressed in dark blue jeans and a tight black tee shirt, a look Wren had never seen on him before but one that definitely suited him well. Margaret arrives soon after heading to her room and reemerging fifteen minutes later in a denim skirt and a tank top carrying a duffel bag much like Wren’s.

“Well, are we all ready?”

“Ready for what?”

“Dinner silly.”

“Oh, I hadn’t really thought about dinner. Let’s go then.”

They all go out to dinner and bum around some stores for awhile until it is starting to get dark then Norman heads the Buick toward Fenton and the remains of the farm for the women to change unnoticed. They both slip behind the shipping container to change so they can give each other a hand with their suits while Norman pulls the fuse to the dome light of the Buick. Once suited up Wren takes out her pistol and holster wrapping them around her waist and snapping the quick release buckle in place. She follows with the jacket gun securing it to her lower arm allowing the trigger cord to dangle for now. She slips on her shoes as she watches her mom do the same.

They emerge from behind the container looking like twins in flat black rubber. Norman watches them as they walk toward the car Wren obvious by her weapons though she is a good inch taller than her mother. He is amazed that in their current dress it is purely obvious just how much alike they are. They have the same bounce to their step, the same exaggerated sway to their hips, the same ramrod straight confidence to their posture. Without a word they enter the car and Norman drives them to Clarisse’s house. They go past slowly checking the lights from the road as they pass. The traffic is almost non-existent at this time of day and making a right down Euclid he stops alongside the alleyway leading behind the house and two shadows leave the car.

Norman pulls off as the two shadows disappear amongst the other shadows. Wren hooks the trigger cord to her finger as they go, slowly and cautiously flitting from shadow to shadow Margaret staying close to Wren at all times. They slip unnoticed past several houses until at last they are standing beside Clarisse’s detached two car garage. Wren fits her night vision goggles allowing her eyes to adjust to the familiar green glow and slowly rises up to look into the window on the door. Peering around she sees absolutely nothing inside, only an empty garage. They make their way across the yard to the house and Wren starts to climb her way up the post of the back porch. She figures the least likely windows to be booby trapped will be the upper ones. Once there she tries the window, finding it locked. She draws her saw blade from her pack and sets to cutting the latch on the window. Knowing there is no one home she cuts quickly only worrying about noises that a neighbor could hear. Once the latch is cut she puts away the blade and opens the window. Carefully she swings her legs into the room and draws down the glass. Turning around the sight before her shocks her enough to make her gasp. The room is completely empty. Slowly and cautiously she crosses the room and enters the hall beyond. Again there is nothing, no pictures, no furniture, nothing at all. Every room on the second floor is exactly the same, she makes her way down the stairs, her heart racing with each step as she does. With her heart pounding in her ears she starts making her way to the back of the house to let her mother in the back door. Just like the floor above the house is completely empty. She opens the door and Margaret steps in with her.

“Do you have any idea where the computer is?”

“No, to be exact I don’t know where anything is.”

Margaret looks around and realizes just what Wren is meaning as the sight registers in her own mind.

“Where is everything?”

“She did say it would be a spur of the moment move.”

They finish looking through the main floor and find the living room packed full of boxes and furniture and an open space at the sofa with two large suitcases sitting beside it. They start searching the labels on the boxes looking for the one marked as containing the computer.

“Wren I got it.”

Wren fights her way around the boxes and helps her mom lift the tower out. In a few minutes the case is open and Margaret is removing the hard drive. They are just resealing the box when a flash of light enters the house from the back. Quickly Wren opens the basement door and pulls out her flashlight and starts down the steps motioning her mother to stay with her. The basement is just as deserted as the upstairs and she very quickly realizes that there are few places to hide. Her mom climbs behind the furnace and water heater and Wren quickly climbs inside the clothes dryer. They can hear someone walking around upstairs the unmistakable sound of high heels tapping their way around on the hardwood floors above. As Wren sits inside the dryer she hers a zipper from across the room and wonders just what her mom is up to. Scared to be in the position she is in if Clarisse finds her, Wren climbs out of the dryer and heads back toward the steps, shaking her head as she passes her mom. The door opens at the top of the steps and the basement lights come on.

“Well either you are down there or you have left my house so let's make this a fair fight and not shoot me before I find you.”

The sound of the heels now start down the steps and Clarisse comes into view. She looks around as she comes down and finds Wren leaning up against the clothes dryer.

“The Predator I presume?”

“Clarence Murphy by birth I presume?”

“Introductions made, now what’s next for us to do?”

“Well you said you wanted a fair fight. I’ll set down my weapons which will give you time to remove your heels then it’s a fight to your death.”

“Confident aren’t you? Since you know who I am I would assume you know I’m also a man.”

“You're male, but you’re no man. A man respects women and Clarence didn’t. He hated them because he wasn’t one.”

Wren removes her jacket gun, setting it on the dryer then her pistol and holster while Clarisse removes her shoes. They come at each other at a full run, Wren ducking to the side at the last minute while leaving her leg in Clarisse’s way. Clarisse trips face first into the concrete floor. Wren pounces upon her, driving her heel deep into her back. Clarisse screams out in pain as she flips over knocking Wren to the floor. Clarisse rights herself and tries to come down on Wren the same way but Wren is too quick for her and dodges to the side so instead Clarisse again hits the concrete floor.

“Damn it,' I said a fair fight!” All I want to do is get on with my life!”

“I am fighting fair, why we are even on your home turf. Unlike all your victims or should I say sacrifices?”

Wren lets Clarisse get closer to her and as she draws back to take a swing at her Wren back flips out of her way landing on her feet as Clarisse stumbles from the lost contact of her swing. Wren high kicks her in the chin placing the sole of her foot directly into her jaw. A definite cracking sound is heard as she makes contact. Clarisse drops to the ground holding her jaw and the left side of her face. Wren looks down upon her in her agony and with a slight leap lands both feet upon her ribs.

“Your life? What about the lives of all the others? What about the mother you intended to rip from her children? What about the life you took from me? Paybacks a bitch isn’t it?”

Clarisse swings her legs and knocks Wren to the floor and rights herself again then as she lifts her foot into the air there is a slight buzzing and in a spray of blood she falls to the ground her knees collapsing under her own weight.

“The Predator agreed to fight fair, but I didn’t!”

Margaret now stands in the corner of the basement an old Thompson machine gun with a silencer in her hands.

“I claim vengeance for all the mothers whose daughters' lives you took from them.”

“And I claim it for all their husbands and lovers.”

The sound of a shotgun fills the room as Clarisse’s head is filled with shot. The scent of gun powder and blood fills the small room and Norman reaches out his hand to help Wren off the floor.

“I told you two I didn’t want you involved!”

“And we told you, you would have company in Hell.”

In a few minutes the Buick pulls out of the garage behind the house and into the ally.

“What do we do now?”

“For the evening, Wren and I change out of our superhero suits then how about we hit a club or two.”

“A few questions first. Mom, where did you get that gun?”

“Thirteenth birthday present from dad.”

“And Norman, why did you turn up in the house?”

“I got worried about you two, I saw her pull into her garage and go into her house and it just seemed to be taking too long. She left the garage door open so I just pulled in and closed it. And by the way I now know why you don’t like to talk about your hits.”

Norman drives down the road while the women change in the back seat. Once out of their superhero suits he heads back to Margret’s apartment so they can change into something more appropriate. Margaret drags Wren into her room and starts throwing clothes and shoes at Wren until they find something for her to wear. Wren comes back out in a shiny metallic red micro mini tube dress with a white leather bolero jacket and white platform sandals. Margaret in a pair of metallic blue skin tight pants that leave nothing to the imagination and barely come over her buttocks. A matching tube top under a white fishnet sweater and six inch clear sandals. Norman just stares at them wondering where they are going.

“I feel a little out of place with you two.”

“I think I can help you out as well.”

Margaret disappears to her room and soon returns, handing Norman a pile of clothes. Wren turns him toward their room and gives him a playful push. Before long he reemerges in a pair of tight black leather pants that like Margret’s leave little if anything to the imagination, with a black mesh tee shirt and black boots.

“I hope the boots work with this. They seemed the best match.”

“Norman you are absolutely stunning, I see why Wren keeps you in bed so much.”

“Don’t get too tired on me tonight lover boy because you are going to be busy later.”

Norman blushes and they all head out the door. They all pile into the Mustang and head off to a club on Margret’s directions. Wren soon knows where they are headed as she has been here before. They walk up to the door with Norman’s arms around each of their shoulders. The doorman stops them for identification and they start in with him giving Norman a thumbs up as he puts his arms back around the women.

Inside they find a table and Norman heads to the bar to place their orders.

“What can I get you stud?”


The bartender looks at him and with a cock of her head toward the women and gives him a wink. He thinks fast and realizes what she means and figures out what to order the women.

“Oh yeah, I need a Coke, a Manhattan and I’ll have a screwdriver.”

“One of them’s driving home huh?”

“Maybe, but she’s pregnant with my baby.”

“Congratulations, stud.”

He takes the drinks back to the table and hands them to the women with an odd look from Wren.

“You're pregnant, no more booze for you until after birth.”

They stay until early in the morning, sometimes talking and sometimes all three of them dancing together. At three in the morning they walk back into the apartment, Margaret tipsily walking back to her room carrying her shoes and a lustful looking Wren leading Norman back to theirs.

It’s noon before they are all up with even Wren sleeping past eleven. She calls up her uncle Jacob after breakfast and arranges to meet him on the following Saturday at his church in Rapid City. They all spend the day together just hanging out and visiting stores with Wren’s list just as a last check before they leave. Though they were up late the night before they do it all over again with Wren urging a visit to uncle Mike’s. Wren sits restless in the seat next to Norman every time one of the women are up on the stage bouncing and dancing in her chair.

“You want to be up there don’t you?”

“Am I that obvious?”

“Between the bouncing in the chair and the stuff you packed in the trunk, yes.”

“You found my bag?”

“Go grab it and have a last fling with the stage.”

She kisses Norman and practically runs out of the club. She returns ten minutes later and sits back down with her bag.

“I talked to Bill and he said no problem. I can have the stage in about thirty minutes, which is just about long enough to change.”

She pops up out of her seat and grabs Margaret by the arm and gives her a tug.

“Come on Mom, we're up next!”

“I don’t think so Wren.”

“You drug me into the sky to jump out of an airplane, so now it’s your turn.”

They leave with Wren leading her semi-reluctant mother around to the employee doors off to the side. Half an hour later the house lights dim and the two identically clad women appear on the stage. They stand directly in the middle with Wren standing more to the front and her mom in her shadow. As they stand there mirroring each other's position the music starts surprising most everyone there with “Me and My Shadow.” Wren Starts dancing around the stage with her mom paying close attention and repeating everything she does. Soon they are removing their leather jackets and tossing them back behind them. Their Shirts soon follow with their skirts leaving them dancing in their underwear and heels. It’s obvious when Margaret starts to loosen up as she puts her back to Wren’s in the middle of the stage as they tease the crowd. With their backs toward each other they let their bras fly to the rear of the stage and they start teasing the guys along the catwalk. Before long they are holding each other up with their backs as they remove their underwear. They finish out the song dancing back to back along the stage and leave arm in arm their hips swaying as they strut out the back curtain.

“Well ladies and gentlemen that's Big Mike’s first and exclusive, a mother and daughter stripping team!”

“Well, mom, how was it?”

“Definitely a rush, maybe more than jumping out of a plane. But I never would have done it without you.”

Five minutes later the two women are back with Norman at his table dressed and grinning from ear to ear. While the eyes of most of the men watch them as they sit down Norman gets many a thumbs up.

“I think it’s time to pay our check and head for home.”

“Got you covered, Bill said not to worry about it.”

They head for home, the women giggling almost the whole way. They all say their good nights and head for bed.

The three of them wake late again but still manage to make it to church, all three praying their rosaries after mass. When Father comes up to them.

“I see the three of you each week and always you pray before and after mass but you never take communion. Is there something I could help you with spiritually?”

“It’s kind of complicated, Father.”

“And no offense but we really have to be able to trust who we talk to.”

“Would it help if I told you I was sent to talk to you by Father Jacob Robbins?”

“Aye, that it would, and in that case if you have a lot of time I’ll go first.”

“Jacob said I should take you to my office or come to your apartment. It would be very confidential and you may all three stick together.”

“Your office would be fine.”

They all enter his office, it's bright and smells of incense. He sits down in a heavily padded chair and the others sit down on a large sofa opposite him.

“Well father it all started on May the sixth…”

Wren left nothing out and brought him up to the very present moment with Margaret and Norman each confessing their parts to him as well where and when they fit in to the narrative. Margaret also took care of confessing all her sins since she was a child going out with her dad. By the time they are done the sun has dipped low in the sky. They receive their penance and their forgiveness then they all at once ask Father out to dinner. They drop Father back off at almost ten and head back home in much better spirits than they have been in a long time.

The next morning Norman and Wren see the container loaded and sent on its way to Peru and then head off to Chicago to deposit the money from the sale of the farm and Norman's practice, they spend the rest of the week just seeing the sights and goofing off. When they get back the last two weeks are spent selling off the Mustang and the bike and packing and shipping anything that wouldn’t fit in the container. Soon they are arriving in Peru, and they spend a week filling out forms for the government and picking out the last of their supplies.

It takes a week of truck and burrow rides to reach what is now their mountain top home. Wren knowing it would be faster to take the helicopter with the shipping container but also knowing it will be easier on their bodies to slowly acclimate to the altitude by taking the burrows.

Now their camp has been set for a week and she stands looking down into the clearing mist of the valley below her at the burrow train bringing her crew of workers and students up from Cuzco.

“You alright honey?”

Sometime during all this time of staring into the valley Norman has managed to finish the coffee and slip up behind her carrying a cup for her.

“Yea, just remembering.”

“It’s all in the past, honey. And all forgiven remember. Is that your help coming around the turn into camp now?”

“Yes, I guess I should go introduce myself and get them set in place. Would you mind making me a sandwich so I can deal with these early birds.”

“Sure thing.”

Wren starts down the ancient road across the city to the other end where the students and workers will be camped. She wonders what they will be like especially since she had been told before they left that her cataloger would be staying with them on the mountain, it puzzled her and she hoped the extra person would make good company seeing as they would be their neighbor for the next two years. She wishes leaving hadn’t been so hard and she couldn’t understand how her mom could keep from crying at their parting. She arrives at the second camp just as the lead burrow comes into view.

“Hola, Senora James.”

“Hola, Manuel, I see you have brought the new population to this city.”

They both start to laugh but Wren is cut short as the rider of the first burrow dismounts and steps towards her.

“I told you I would not lose you again.”

“Mom!, but how?”

“I called Dr. Hernandez and asked if he needed a librarian to catalog the finds. He said he did and I applied for the job. He accepted my application owing to the fact that I am your mother. He felt a mother and daughter would work well together up here and now here I am with my six burrows full of stuff.”

“I’m glad you’re here mom.”

If you have enjoyed the story and would like to leave a review I can add to the cover when it goes to print all my contact info is on my site.  If you would like to help support my endeavors that information is there as well.
Thank you for reading Victim 18 and there are other stories to come!


Friday, December 16, 2022

Victim 18 Post 59

It is two hours later before they get home and several more before they get to sleep that night in each others arms. Wren once again awakes at four in the morning trying as she might she just can’t fall back to sleep. She gets up and finding her back pack takes out the pregnancy test and heads to the bathroom. She sits upon the toilet holding the test her heart racing against its self. Opening the box with trembling hands she pulls out the test and starts to read the instructions. After reading them twice she proceeds to follow them carefully. The instructions say she should see a result within three minutes but it is almost instantaneous. She IS pregnant. She squeals with joy at the sign on the test before she remembers Norman is asleep in the next room. She slips into the shower smiling and humming to herself lovingly caressing her abdomen as she rubs herself with her soapy hands. She loses track of just how long she has been in the shower but decides it is time to get out. She dries herself off and without even thinking walks through her room picking up her flute as she goes. She steps out onto the balcony sitting down on the patio table and starts to play. She sits there softly playing the notes that come to her through her heart. She sits playing with her eyes shut as the sun starts to come up over the city the sound gently echoing between the buildings below.

“Wren, what are you doing out here?”

“Playing a song of thanks to Wankan Tanka.”

“Thanks for what?”

She picks up the test she had laid down in front of her when she started playing and hands it to her mom.

“Mom, you're going to be a grandma!”

“A grandma? But why are you sitting on my balcony table naked?”

“I used to do that at grandma’s house too. I really don’t know why I just do.”

“Well you need to come inside before too many neighbors see you.”

“I really didn’t think when I came out here. I didn’t want to wake you guys but I just had to share my joy.”

“Come on in and I’ll make you some breakfast and show you what Clarisse wrote the day before yesterday.”

“You go ahead and start breakfast, I’ll slip something on.”

Wren quietly slips into her room where Norman still sleeps and goes to the dresser to grab her underwear. She slips into her underclothes and is pulling her jeans from last night on when she slips and falls into the bed.

“Wren, you all right?”

“Yea, just slipped that’s all.”

“What time is it?”

“Just after six.”

He slips out of bed and heads to the bathroom. Wren finishes dressing and heads out with her mom.

“Wren, take a look at her last two entries.”

Wednesday July seventh two thousand and five. They found Po’s body today. Apparently the Predator is an apparition as it entered his house unseen and left through dead bolted doors. That makes everyone but me. When will my turn come? Will I escape this curse simply because I’m Clarisse, or will it follow me to my doom? I guess only time will tell. I just wish there wasn’t so much uncertainty so I could live in peace and continue with my new life.

I received another offer from the California public school system today. With the deaths of the others I am really looking into their offer. With the chance that whoever it is going after the gang maybe being Clarisse in another state will save me. However it goes, my decision will have to be done on the spur of the moment.

Thursday July eighth two thousand and five. I accepted the offer in California! I found a place that will buy this house outright for cash so that leaves me with no strings attached here. If I act quickly I may escape this curse I have gotten myself into. I will tell my support group good-bye tomorrow when I see them. Telling them good-bye won’t be a big deal as they have become a bother with always changing the meeting time and place. This week's meeting has been moved all the way back to eight tomorrow night! How is a girl supposed to go out on a Friday night if she’s stuck in a support meeting!

“So she will be moving soon and going out tonight.”

“I thought that would interest you.”

“It certainly does, the only question is how do I press this to my advantage? It will be dark by nine especially with the new moon. From what I saw of her house it wouldn’t be too hard to enter.”

“But what about booby traps and what about her computer?”

“Her computer?”

“Yes, her journal is stored in the hard drive and you are mentioned in it several times. It would not take the computer forensics guys long to put two and two together and link you and the Predator as one in the same.”

“Great, so I need to get him and a computer tower.”

“Just the hard drive would do.”

“Mom I have no clue what is inside a computer let alone how to get it out if I knew what to look for!”

“Just leave that to me.”

“I had a feeling you were going to say that and I have a feeling I won’t be alone tonight.”

“You will not.”

Wren spins around at the sound of the new voice behind her unaware of his presence until he had spoken.

“Norman, what do you mean by that?”

“You see Margaret and I have made a pact to not let you out of our sight again. You tore us apart the other day with your disappearance, we didn’t know if you were alive or dead. And we decided if you turned up alive we were going to escort you on your next mission so we at least know your physical status. And besides I want you safe especially since there is more than you involved now.”

Norman holds up Wren's pregnancy test, a large smile spreading across his face as he does.

“I assume that this is yours and not your mom’s”

“But I don’t want you two involved. I don’t want my sins to carry over to you.”

“Wren, we have both delivered the Predator to several jobs between us already so, we are guilty already. If you are to wind up in Hell for this then you already have company.”

“He is right dear, besides look how many times I was my dad’s driver on top of all this. Want it or not, we are now in this together.”

“Great I guess there is no escaping you two then. But how do you intend to move about unnoticed with me? I think three people lurking in the dark would be a bit obvious don’t you?”

“Well for your information I picked up as Norman calls it a superhero suit identical to yours last night. That is why I was late getting home, not that you two noticed.”

“And I’ll be the get away driver. It’s not exactly where I would choose to be but it is the best I can do. Besides someone has to do the delivery and pick-up.”

“Alright then if you two have this so figured out what’s the plan?”

Thursday, December 15, 2022

Victim 18 Post 58

“Norman you are incorrigible!”

“What did I do?”

“It isn’t what you’ve done, it's that I know what’s on your mind.”

“So you see, like the Predator I’m opportunistic, after all you’re already naked and your mom told me this morning she wouldn’t be in until eight. So I was thinking.”

“Not always your strong point I might add. Because for your information all I’ve had to eat today is a bowl of mush and a candy bar so, I’m afraid if you want me you’re going to have to buy me dinner first. Then hope I don’t fall asleep on you if you keep me out to late. I’ve worked hard all day, everything had to be removed and repacked in the container and it was so hot I ended up doing it in just my bra and underpants.”

“I knew I should have left work much, much earlier.”

“But then we still wouldn’t be done by now. Would we?”

“Who said I was going to stop you…”

“Or for that matter do more than watch right?”
“Exactly, so what do you want for dinner?”

“The faster and larger the amount the more likely you are to get anything from me.”

“I know just the place. How do you feel about an all you can eat buffet?”

“Now that is exactly what I’m talking about.”

Norman lets her past into the bedroom where she walks straight to the bed and picks up a long narrow box. The label is addressed to her and the return address clearly stating it is from her grandparents. She sits down upon the bed and starts pulling the box open then pulling out a bubble wrapped object that she instantly recognizes. With a letter written in Lakota wrapped around it.

“Dear Wren,

Dancing Owl gave us a call and explained your flute was stolen with the rest of your stuff. He asked how he could find another and here it is. We hope you get as much enjoyment out of it as you did the last one. This one was made from a cedar from deep in the back hills by one of our best flute makers. He was also the one playing at your wedding whenever the bagpipes weren’t. We hope you enjoy it.


Grandma and Grandpa”

“Norman, you amaze me sometimes.”

She carefully unwraps the instrument from its bubble wrap then slides it out of its elk hide bag, noting it to be longer than her last with a larger barrel and bore. The fetish intricately carved in the shape of a howling wolf with two eagle feathers hanging from its side. It is the deep red of an old cedar closely matching her own hair color and polished to a deep shine. Etchings carved into its sides of many birds and animals of prey. It was obvious to Wren this flute was picked for her especially. Crossing her legs upon the bed she puts the flute to her lips and starts to play. Immediately the soft, deep sounds of the flute fill the room. Norman had never heard her play her old flute and just sits down on the other side of the room from her, closing his eyes and listening. To him the sounds seem to come to him from the depths of interstellar space, from a place where time has no meaning or form. She sits as her ancestors, naked, and playing her prayer to Wankan Tanka, to God himself offering him the song from within her very own soul. It’s sometime before she stops and with great reverence walks over and kisses Norman.

“Thank you.”

She carries it over and props it up over a rag to dry and goes to find her clothes. What she wants to wear is her simple buckskin dress but she feels that would look a little out of place so a clean pair of jeans and a tee shirt will have to do. Once she is dressed she picks up her cell phone from her purse and makes a call. All the sounds are familiar to Norman who quickly realizes it is her grandparents she’s calling as she is speaking in rapid fire Lakota.

“Well, Grandma and Grandpa are happy to have helped you make me happy. And they hope you soon get to use your gifts from them. Thank-you’s done, let's get some food I am starving!” for all things Maura and to help get me in a place where I can entertain y'all a bit more often.

Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Victim 18 Post 57

Wren gets up from the table stretching as she does from sitting so long in one place and starts making corn meal mush for Norman and her mom’s breakfast. She busies herself cooking and setting the table thinking through what she has just read now knowing that he lives alone or should she say she lives alone? She is deep in thought when Norman slips up behind her slipping an arm on either side of her and cupping a breast in each hand. Her mind is pulled from her thoughts and is replaced by thoughts of lust for her husband.

“I see someone is feeling frisky this morning!”

“What man wouldn’t with the most beautiful woman in the world for a wife? And to top it off she has some very interesting sexual preferences that she likes to use liberally with me. Ah yes, a sexy nymphomaniac for a wife, every man’s dream and my reality.”

He stands behind her his manhood pressing into her buttocks as he rubs and kneads her breasts through the thin cotton of her tee shirt. She can feel the impending need of his body building within her and yet she knows it will have to wait, the thought only frustrating her more.

“Norman that’s enough of that you’re getting me all worked up and we don’t have time for that right now.”

“Why don’t we have time?”

“Because breakfast is done, mom will be out shortly, you have to go to work and I have to go load the rest of the stuff in the shipping container.”

“Alright but you owe me tonight.”

Wren turns around and looks deep into his eyes, wrapping her arms around his neck and bringing her face close to his.

“Tonight you can be as frisky as you like.”

“I hope I am not interrupting anything, but I would like it if you two would please keep your escapades confined to your room while I am at home.

“Mom, we were just discussing not doing that here and now, not actually doing it.”

They all sit down together at the table and Wren puts away the laptop as the other two watch.

“So dear, did you find anything of interest there?”

“Yes, quite a bit actually. For starters he is more than a cross dresser he is trans gendered.”

“Alright I may be a lawyer but I haven’t seen that term too many times.”

“He is really a she trapped within a man’s body. She also lives full-time as a woman and her name is Clarisse. She had already arranged for my capture to be the last one she was to participate in before breaking all contact with the gang. She is also scared knowing the Predator has taken out every other member of the gang so far. However she also is unaware that I know she is a girl and feels that offers her some protection. And last but not least Hackers records are in error on Clarence as his mom is deceased.”

“Mothers deceased? That means it should be simpler to get at him. I mean knowing she is the only woman in the house.”

“Yes and no, she does live on a fairly busy street after all. So getting her through a window is out, she will be on her guard so it may be hard to break in. I’ll have to think this through a little more. Now, I need to finish packing.”

She rinses out her bowl as her mom leaves the room then kisses Norman good-bye heads into the entrance-way and grabs her helmet and backpack. She wonders where her mom went but figures she is still getting ready when she enters the entryway.

“Wren be careful today.”

“Something wrong mom?”

“I just do not want you going after Clarisse yet. Take some time, watch for an opportunity.”

“I plan on it mom, believe me I plan on it, but you and Norman have to remember that when the opportunity presents itself I have to take it.”

“Do you? After all, the man that did this to you is dying and a woman is being born in his place.”

“Very mystic mom, but that woman was alive when he started the whole thing. And you know as well as I do that women can be every bit as violent, nasty and sexually degrading to other women as any man. No, I can't just let him go, I have to finish what I started or there is always going to be a chance he could change his mind and revert back to a very bitter man.”

“I think I see what you mean.”

“I’ll see you tonight mom, and I will be careful.”

Wren heads out the door taking her guilt for the pain she is causing her family with her but knowing in her heart she is right and she must finish the job she has started. Back on her bike her mind is a blur with all she has learned this morning. She can’t understand how someone could feel their brain was issued the wrong body but then she knows that there are people like that in every culture on earth. Some countries and cultures are more accepting of them than others. Some people never let their alter ego out of their house and no one knows them but them. She remembered reading somewhere that it was estimated that a large number of all men are cross dressers to some extent or another. But why he was defying the normal conservative male acting the part of a woman she didn’t understand. All she knows is it is his time to pay, and she is running out of time.

She has only one stop to make between the apartment and the container and pulling into Walmart won’t take that long. She knows exactly what she is after though she can’t quite make herself pick it up. She stands there for some time arguing in her head.

“It’s just a pregnancy test. I’m married, women buy them all the time. I can drive a motorcycle at two hundred miles an hour, take out an entire gang of raping, pillaging men but I don’t have the courage to pick up a simple pregnancy test! But what if it’s negative? What if it’s positive? Will Dr. Hernandez want a pregnant woman up at that site? So what if he doesn't? I still have the money from the sale of the farm. I can live anywhere and do anything, just Norman, the baby and me.”

Her last thought makes her giggle. A baby could that be what is really stressing her out? Or is it that it might be a false alarm? With shaking hands she reaches out and picks one up. She heads to the check out grabbing a candy bar and a couple bottles of water for later. She arrives at the old home, its burnt out hull still standing though a logging company can be seen working in the distance taking out the selected high value trees. She roams the fire scene peering into nooks and crannies as she does but finding nothing of any use left. The freight truck arrives at nine thirty and starts unloading the last of the gear causing her to feel overwhelmed by the sight of it. All the bulky heavy stuff is in this load and she knows she will have to unload the container to put all this in at the bottom. When the driver leaves she sets to work unloading the container.

By lunch time she has managed to empty the whole container and is surveying the contents lying all about around her grouped into piles by weight. The sun is now at its highest and the heat of summer is on her. She knows that the dark container will only just be getting hotter and looks around her. The logging crew is very distant from her and mostly blocked by the remains of the old house so soaking in sweat she strips down to her bra and bikini underpants for some relief from the heat as she reloads the container. The air blowing across her feels cool to her damp skin even though it is still just as hot outside. She sits down for a few minutes eating the candy bar she picked up on her way to the house and sipping from the warm bottle of water. Once done with her snack she sets to work again. It's late afternoon when she is finally done reloading the container. It has very little room left in it, but it won’t have things shifting around and getting broken on its trip. She pulls her now dry jeans back on and her tee shirt over her head then fastening her helmet she heads back to home. Knowing the next time she sees this container it will be being loaded onto a flatbed truck starting its trip to a mountain top in Peru.

Half an hour later finds her back at home and climbing into the shower. She leaves the water cold but, living in a high rise building, it's still warm. Turning off the water and opening the curtain she finds Norman standing there with her towel and a mischievous grin.

Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Victim 18 Post 56

Again! A NOTE OF CAUTION!!! From here to close to the end of the novel the story gets very brutal!  Don't say I did not warn you!

June ninth two thousand and two Clarisse went to the movies today. I had fun and seemed to pass with no notice. I actually wore a very short denim skirt, a bare midriff open shoulder top and sandals. I went alone and was even approached by two guys.

August sixteenth two thousand two. Talked to Dr. Frederick again today, he is convinced that I should cease to be Clarence and should start being Clarisse full time. I don’t know how to take this advice. On the one hand I am Clarisse more and more only putting on Clarence to go to school or when I’m with the guys. Mom has even started calling me Clarisse even when I’m a dude. But on the other hand Clarisse is the kind of woman that the gang is against. I now know the power behind that woman, to be able to dress sexy and attract attention, to have men hold doors for you while they ogle your body and yet they know you are untouchable. Still even knowing they can’t have you they will buy you drinks, dinners and the like. To know as Clarisse I could have such power over men and yet as Clarence to be subject to that power from others.

I took a big step today as well while at the store I ran into a man I see and speak to quite often as we shop. As we were going along talking he asked if I was doing anything tomorrow night. I had a feeling where this was going and wasn’t real sure how to act. I truthfully told him I had no plans and he asked if I would like to go out to dinner and see a movie, I accepted.

August seventeenth two thousand and two. Mom was a little taken aback that Clarisse was going out with a guy this evening. I told her he was a friend I had met many times and not to worry. She was impressed with him though once she was introduced and told us not to be out too late.

Dinner was fantastic! He took me to a small Italian restaurant on the Hill where we had a small corner booth and talked, getting to know each other a little better. I was surprised by his choice of movie though it was one I wanted to see. I hadn’t met too many people interested in French art house films. He was always such a perfect gentleman throughout the whole evening, always getting the doors taking my arm in his. It was such a thrill to be given such royal female treatment. When he dropped me off at home he walked me to the door and asked if he could pick me up next Saturday. I don’t know what I was thinking, but I said yes.

It is getting late so I better get to bed.

October twelfth two thousand and two. After seeing Robert for the ninth time last night I am really starting to question my identity as Clarence. I feel so comfortable with him, I am his girlfriend, and I feel like I am deceiving him so much by not sharing my dark secret that I am actually a guy! I don’t know what to do. I find myself now looking at women not as objects of sexual desire or as the tramps the gang is after, but as equals seeing what fashions they are wearing, what types of shoes, how is there hair done. Men on the other hand, have always bothered me and yet now I see them as objects of sexual desire. I’m so confused. Dr. Fredrick is still insistent that I would be happier as Clarisse and that I should sit down in a public place taking separate cars and let Robert in on my secret and leave it up to him if we continue before my real life and Clarence tear me apart.

October fifteenth I started laser hair removal today. The doctor said it will take some time to be rid of all body and facial hair but I think it will be worth it.

October nineteenth two thousand and two. I arranged to meet Robert in Forest Park this morning. I was scared shitless. When he arrived I guess he could see the fear on my face even through the make-up. I asked him to sit down across from me which he did. I told him I needed to let him know something very important and it might destroy the relationship we have thus far. He asked me to explain so I very carefully started to explain my situation to him. He seemed to take it rather better than I expected. He asked me a lot of questions about me and what I intend to do from here as well as what I expect from him. I explained how the doctor thinks I would be happier if I become Clarisse full time. How I have begun the work to become a woman by starting the hair removal and have talked to a plastic surgeon.

He said he needs some time to sort this all out but that he has only ever known Clarisse and has no clue who this man that shares her body is. He said he was glad that I finally told him though so he could make his own decision. He left soon after that saying he would get in touch with me once he knew where he stood on the issue.

With him or without him I now have the courage to be Clarisse wherever I go and in whatever I do. Except for this semester in school and around the guys who I’m seeing less and less of these days Clarence is no more!

November the first two thousand and two. Shortly after I arrived home from school today I received a floral delivery from Robert! I found a large card attached and was shaking so hard I had to sit down to read it. He said that he did not care about my other side and wishes to continue seeing me! That if I change my mind on the reassignment surgery I should let him know so he can reevaluate his life and move on. He feels that this only reaffirms that we will not be doing anything sexual during our relationship.

I was beside myself with joy especially since he wants to see me again this Saturday! It means I will have to hurry back from the party Friday night but that’s no bother as I really don’t participate anymore as fucking women at this point makes me feel gay.

February twelfth two thousand and three. I was visited by a state patrolman today. Mom was hit head on, on highway forty this morning and was in Barnes ICU. I grabbed my purse and headed for the hospital. Fortunately with mom working there for so many years everyone knew me for who I am so there was no problem with my identity. I spent the late afternoon and into the evening at her side. She looks pretty banged up but they said if they can get the internal bleeding to stop she should make a full recovery.

February thirteenth two thousand and two. Mom died in my arms at ten this morning.

February twenty seventh. I saw the lawyer again this morning and he said mom’s will was found valid and she had left everything to me. Her insurance will more than pay off the house so I will receive the rest over the next few weeks.

July first two thousand three. I finally got a real job today! Mom would have been proud. I’ll be working as a second grade teacher for the St. Louis public school system and what’s more I will be able to work as Clarisse!

September fourteenth two thousand and three. I have not heard from Robert in three weeks. No calls, no letters, no flowers, he doesn’t answer when I call either. I went past his house this morning on my way to church and saw a strange car in the driveway with his. I tried to call him from my cell and I saw the lights turn on and after a few seconds turn back off again as I caught a glimpse of naked woman through the window. I guess he couldn’t wait on me any longer.

August sixteenth two thousand and four. Two years to the day since Robert first took me out and I stumbled across his wedding announcement in the paper today.

September first two thousand and four. I am no longer Clarence Benjamin Murphy but am now legally Clarisse Lynn Murphy.

April fourth two thousand and five. I finally set the date for the first surgical procedures, Dr. Jacobson says that they will take time and will have to be spaced apart to allow my body time to heal and adjust. We agreed that each should be done during summer vacations when I have about two months off each year.

April thirtieth two thousand and five. I told the guys I would be moving on the thirty-first of May and after that they would be on their own. I have to admit I will be glad to be out of that life once and for all! From then on only Clarisse will exist and the thought is quite liberating!

Saturday May the seventh two thousand and five. This was to be my last party with the guys since I am breaking off all contact with them to start my reassignment surgery and we have a huge problem. Rachel and Juliana found us the best one in a long time yesterday unfortunately, I should have known something would go wrong with this one. She had a strong will that I have never seen before in a victim. She was accepting of her fate to the point of egging us on. She taunted us telling us to rape her to death. She didn’t even fight us knowing we were about to rip her virginity from her and almost seemed willing to hand it over to us. She was unconscious when we went to sleep and when we woke she was gone. A group headed up the hill while we all looked in vain for a sign of her around the clearing. The guys up top yelled down that her car Rachel and Juliana had stolen was gone! We all hightailed it up the hill grabbing our stuff as we went. I checked the shed and all her personal stuff was gone as well. We jumped and climbed into our cars fast then split in every direction possible, none of us wanting to be caught in a group. I came home by a very twisted route arriving late in the afternoon.

I talked to Bruce, Tommy and Pete right after we left to warn them as they had left early needing to work this afternoon. I found out that they had cleaned out her apartment overnight. I got a call from Pete an hour later saying he had left her a message on her mirror. I told him he was stupid and not to egg anyone on like that or he might get caught.

May twenty first two thousand and five. Tommy swears he was followed home last night by a motorcycle. I assured him he was just being paranoid but in the back of my mind I had to wonder was the Wren we had at our last party Wren Robbins the motorcycle racer?

May twenty eighth two thousand and five. Tommy, Bruce, Butch and Hacker are all dead. Each with a bullet through the head and their stupid tattoo linking them all together. They have labeled the murderer the “Predator” and apparently like most predatory animals it has no fear as it broke into Hackers house.

June fifth two thousand and five. The Predator strikes again, whoever it is, managed to enter Adam’s third floor apartment disembowel him and leave without anyone ever seeing them. Though I have not spoken to any of them since the last meeting I’m sure they are scared and at this point so am I!

June seventh two thousand and five. I am very sore today but the pain will be worth it when I have my own thirty-six B’s and no longer have to use forms for my bras. The doctor says the soreness will be almost constant until he has the skin stretched enough to accommodate the saline implants but as I said it will be worth it even if for a year after that I will have to put up with being a she-male.

July the third two thousand and five. Pete got it last night during the storm. He was sitting in his room reading by candle light when with only the sound of breaking glass he took a bullet in the head. That only leaves Po and myself. It is probably a very good thing that whoever this is should have no idea that I am actually a girl within a man’s body.

Monday, December 12, 2022

Epicurean Delights

For those that may be unfamiliar with my past, I am a trained Chef.  Now what does that mean?  For starters I am qualified to work every evening, holiday, and weekend, for not that great a pay while standing basically in one spot for eight hours or more a day.  It also means I know a fair amount about food and how to prep it.

For those who haven't noticed the Winter Holidays are upon us.  We expect to entertain and be entertained and in our culture food is a large part of that entertainment and the consternation that goes with it.  So dear readers here are a few gems that may set you apart from others in your social and familial spheres.

Eggs: they are pricey right now but are the glue that holds our baked goods together.  If you are dealing with a modern recipe (say since 1960) chances are the standard medium egg will work just fine.  An older recipe though really requires jumbo eggs.  I know, why?  Because old recipes used duck or goose eggs not chicken eggs and their eggs are larger.

Butter: in a recipe that calls for butter use butter not margarine the flavor profiles differ quite a bit as does the way the fat works in a recipe--margarine is mostly water.

Flour: modern milling methods produce a high quality product that is pretty much the same from brand to brand.  The big difference is the gluten content and that really only varies if you abandon gluten or shift to an older grain verity such as spelt.  Generally speaking all purpose flour will get the job done just fine regardless of what you are baking.

Sugar: Again is mostly all the same.  Some purists will shout "only cane sugar will work" but for the most part it's just marketing.

Brown sugar: go dark and skip the light.  Dark brown sugar has a higher molasses content and thus more flavor.  It is also processed less and is closer to what came from the cane--nope brown sugar cannot come from sugar beets.

Cocoa: I personally have found little variance here.

Oil: you really can't go wrong with corn oil.  Some people like myself can actually taste "vegetable oil" and that's because of the process used to make it--look it up and be amazed at your own risk.

Olive oil: extra virgin or virgin, these are from the first and second pressings of olives anything not thus marked is usually highly processed leftovers from the first two pressings.

Wine: if you won't drink it don't cook with it, is a very good rule of thumb.  You want to use something that is pleasing to your palette and not harsh to it.  Feel free to substitute within the same group (white for white or red for red) to suit your taste.

Now for a few pro tips, vanilla is the basic all purpose flavoring but not the only one.  Try swapping rum extract into your butter cookies.  Lemon flavoring is da-bomb in sugar cookies as is mint if you go lightly with it.  Use clear almond extract in your frostings and you will be on par with most professional bakers.  A dash of anise will completely change your chocolate cakes too.

The thing to remember is cooking is an art not a science and as an art it is open to artistic expression.  Use good ingredients.  Play around, have fun--maybe not experiment right before the in-laws come over for dinner though.

Victim 18 Post 55

A NOTE OF CAUTION!!! From here to close to the end of the novel the story gets very brutal!  Don't say I did not warn you!

November the ninth Bruce has joined us and has provided a place for our parties. His uncle owns a piece of ground just outside of Rolla but lives in California. It will be his when he turns twenty-one and is free to use it as he pleases in the meantime. We will all be going down to see if it is suitable tonight.

November the twelfth, we spent the weekend cleaning up around the land and we have some good ideas on what to do. We found the old shed has all the tools we need for the work and in a clearing at the bottom of the hill from it we found an old tire from an earth mover or something. How it got there we don’t know but Adam had the idea of burying it part way and using it to tie our sacrifices to. It took some work to get it in place but we think it will be worth it.

November eighteenth, Jimmy joined us this weekend his knowledge of bondage techniques should prove quite useful to our endeavors. Juliana and Rachel proved themselves with their catch this weekend. It was a pity she didn’t survive, such a pretty young cheerleader too. Oh well, life goes on she shouldn’t have been such a tease and appreciated what she had.

“Hey guys listen to this, I think Clarence is a cross dresser!”

“You’re kidding! Really?”

“December twenty-seventh, Hacker stopped by today and nearly caught me dressed up. I thought I was safe with mom at work and being alone. He came to the back door which I didn’t realize was unlocked at the time. When he came in I had my back to the door folding laundry for mom. He asked if I was home, fortunately the furnace kicked on at the same time and I was able to disguise my voice enough to make him think I was mom. I had to tell him I wasn’t home and should be back in an hour or two. Thank heavens I look so much like mom when I’m dressed!

January first, mom bought me a pair of three inch red patent baby doll pumps for my birthday! I didn’t even realize she knew! She said she found some of my clothes in the back of my closet just before Thanksgiving and has been watching me to see what I was up to. She felt that the shoes would look good with some of my things and would be a good ice breaker for a heart to heart conversation. We talked for a good three hours going over the pros and cons of my alternate life. After a while she was reassured that I wasn’t gay and told me she could accept me however I was. She did say that not to worry if she let out a laugh now and then at first though. She told me that she had read a lot of books on the subject and did all the research she could before she felt comfortable confronting me. Then she really surprised me and told me she would help me pick out an outfit and do my make-up so we could go out and celebrate my birthday! It was great! She had checked around and found a bar that was accepting of cross dressers and that’s where she took me. We had a wonderful time just me and her, two girls out on the town. She even introduced me as her daughter Clarisse.”

“See what I mean he is definitely a cross dresser!”

“Definitely but, it also means you have to be extra careful not to try and sneak up on him only to be ambushed by her.”

“I agree with Norman, extra care should be exercised with him.”

“Well I seldom get that close to my prey.”

“Five times so far out of sixteen that’s right at a third of your hits. I wouldn’t say seldom.”

“That is right Wren, you have somewhat of a pattern established.”

“Well by the time I finish this I think I should have as much of an understanding of him as I do elk. It’ll make life simpler and safer.”

“Speaking of safety, I almost forgot to tell you that the delivery company called this afternoon and the rest of the gear is to be delivered tomorrow at ten in the morning.”

“Alright I’ll have to leave here just before you then in the morning.”

“Wren, I think it is time for us all to get to bed. You can take the drive with you to read while you wait in the morning.”

They all take Margret’s advice and head toward their bedrooms leaving the big computer on with the sound down to capture anything that happens overnight.

“So do you really think you will find anything of any use to you in those files?”

“I’m not really sure but, I do know more about him now than I did before.”

Wren is up and showered by four the next morning. She takes the laptop and plugging it in, sits down at the kitchen table with a cup of coffee and once again starts reading through Clarence’s journal.

March thirty-first Easter Sunday, I woke early this morning to find a lovely pastel pink Easter dress with white nylons, a pair of white slingback pumps and a matching purse laid over the back of my desk chair.

I showered, dressed and put on my make-up then headed downstairs to breakfast. Mom was already up and had out some doughnuts and coffee sitting on the table. She said after church we would go out to Easter brunch. She also informed me that she had taken the week off during my spring break and wanted to know if Clarisse would like to go to Chicago with her for the week. The only stipulation was that during the entire trip only Clarisse could be along. She wanted to spend the week with her daughter. Of course I readily accepted her invitation. So in one week we’ll be heading to Chicago where for seven days I can be Clarisse and leave Clarence behind. She told me that it’s not that she likes her more but that she always wanted a daughter but with dad’s running out on us she never got the chance. She also said that I seem happier since I get to express myself more, that I don’t seem so uptight. I guess she’s right, I do feel more relaxed than I used to. The last few months being able to come home and slip into a pair of hose with a skirt and heels has been really liberating. It has been such a relief not to have to hide myself or things from mom and to have her so totally accept me for both who and what I am.

April fourteenth, what a week it has been! I never knew my mom could be so much fun! Our first day out we spent seeing the sights and just hanging out. The next day we got brave and slipped into a one piece swimsuit and hung out by the indoor pool. Monday we went shopping on the magnificent mile and went to a local dance club near our hotel. We had a little too much to drink but the real thrill was that this guy started hitting on us! Not wanting to reveal myself I played the flirting game right back at him. I was flattered when he asked me to dance and readily took him up on the offer. My luck was it was a slow dance and I soon was in a close embrace with him. I could feel his boner pressing into me and his hand grabbing at my ass. He took mom out next and I watched him do the same with her. I saw him whisper something in her ear and I could distinctly read her lips saying no. We left soon after and when I asked what was up she informed me that he wanted to know if the two of us would be up to a mother daughter threesome!

After that we stuck to regular restaurants and touristy type places, we didn’t drink anymore either so we didn’t come that close again.

All in all I really enjoyed my week with mom as Clarisse. I hope we can do it again next year, maybe we could even go somewhere warm or exotic so I don’t have to bundle up and could wear some shorter skirts.

April twenty-eighth, two thousand and two what a fucking weekend! The girls found us a real treat for our first party of the year. A pair of identical twins thin shapely things with great racks and the tightest pussies and asses I’ve ever had my dick in. We tied one to the tire and suspended the other between trees by tying a rope between two trees and laying her across it then hauling her legs up and apart. Her cunt and asshole were right where they needed to be while her head hung back leaving her mouth in a perfect position. We were able to use them well into the night before we all slipped into our sleeping bags around the fires. When Saturday morning came around Hacker was already taking head from the one suspended in the trees. As the guys woke up they naturally went straight where the action was. I went where there was less business only to discover she had expired overnight. It was quite sometime into the day before the treed girl realized we weren’t touching her sister. She started screaming her sister's name whenever her mouth wasn’t filled. Po eventually told her to shut the fuck up that her sister was dead and to just take her fucking without the hysterics. She actually lasted through the day and evening passing sometime after dinner.

Wren skimmed ahead faster not wanting to read too many of these entries, not wanting to know that her death was just as planned and expected as all the others.

To help support Maura

Saturday, December 10, 2022

Victim 18 Post 54

Norman takes the thumb drive as Wren heads off to the other room, returning quickly with Hackers laptop. Booting up the computer she pops in the drive and starts reading. Margaret however is intently watching the monitor in front of her while Norman checks back and forth between them for a while. Soon he gives up and goes to the kitchen, noises soon follow but the women pay him no attention as they continue to read the screens in front of each of them.

“Hey mom listen to this:

September twentieth, two thousand and one. Po, Hacker and I have decided to teach a couple of girls a real lesson about the penalties of toying with us. They were taunting Hacker and Po this morning and nearly had them expelled from their lewd behavior outside of the school. I feel it is about time women learned to respect the gifts bestowed upon them and quit using them to cause trouble for us less fortunate souls. However it goes Rachel and Juliana will pay for their insolence.”

“But what does it all mean?”

“I’m not exactly sure but the entry does correspond with the date mentioned in Hackers files as the date the gang formed. I’ll let you know if I find anything else interesting.”

She returns to her reading skimming through the entries page after page until she finds another remarkable entry.

“Here is another one, mom.

October thirty-first, two thousand and one. The two of them were at it again today. This time they drug Adam, Oliver and Jim into their little web. They actually managed to get all eight of us including themselves expelled from campus for the rest of the week! But it is Halloween tonight so the six of us are going out seeing as mom understands what happened and most of the other guys parents really don’t care.

November the first well we did it, we caught the two little tramps and hauled them out to an abandoned warehouse in O’Fallon. Tied so they were hanging spread eagle by their wrists and ankles we cut their clothes from them leaving them suspended about three feet in the air stark naked. We figured if we were going to be accused of staring at them, groping them and such we would teach them in a way that would catch their attention. We raped them over and over for four hours until they passed out from exhaustion. When they came an hour later we had them tied to a pair of metal chairs facing us. We explained their situation to them either, we received a fresh woman or post pubescent girl within a narrow time frame whenever we requested or we would make sure to finish them off. That they were now a part of our gang initiated by rape and being allowed to live. We knew they wouldn’t go to the cops, they were too chicken and to make sure we forced a large amount of liquor down their throats. We put Juliana in the trunk of Pete’s car and Rachel in the trunk of Hackers to be returned to their homes and dropped off on their front door steps. I rode with Hacker and Po to Rachel’s house at three in the morning. We pulled up in front and opened the trunk. Rachel was passed out drunk, we carried her up to the door propping her against it. Since Po is the fastest of us he stayed behind to ring the bell while we got in the car. I got in, leaving the door open for him, he hit the bell and ran, diving into the back seat as Hacker took off. I could just see Mr. Winslow open the door as we turned the corner.”

“You two hungry?”

“I know I am, how about you Wren?”

“I do feel starved, I hope it’s good.”

“Well I just hope you're in the mood for oatmeal.”


“Alright, you know I am not the best cook and this was the first thing I thought of. Well, actually the canister fell out of the cabinet and onto my foot but that’s beside the point.”

They both get a good laugh at Norman’s misfortune and head into the kitchen for dinner. They are all startled when they hear talking coming from the other room. Then realize it is Clarence’s mom talking to some other woman about a problem at the other woman’s work. They resume their eating, making idol conversation. When they are done Wren goes back to the laptop while Norman and Margaret clean up from dinner. She picks up where she left off reading through the formation of the gang.

For all things Maura

Friday, December 9, 2022

Victim 18 Post 53

They get in and start out of the airfield.

“Wren something Phil said in the meeting got me to thinking about the Predator’s current problem”

“What problem is that?”

“How to deal with Clarence Murphy.”

“Well how is pretty simple it’s when.”

“That’s my point, I was thinking he’s a grade school teacher right?”


“So he is off all summer and still lives with his Mom. He is going to be hard to hit at home and he is going to be jumpy anywhere else. We need a way to catch him off guard. What if we bugged his computer to tell us exactly what he was doing on-line.”

“Sounds good but how and would that do enough to tell us exactly, he may not do enough internet communication to give us a clue.”

“Ah, but if he has DSL we might have an edge.”

“You’re going to get really technical here aren’t you?”

“I have access to hardware that would do just what we need. We’ll need someone to climb the pole behind his house and access the telephone line. A simple tester will tell us if it is a DSL line or not. If it is, we simply attach a small voice over internet protocol transceiver in line with a digital repeater and re-router. Then if he makes a phone call we hear it. If he uses a computer on that line we will know exactly where he goes, looks at, and types.”

“You can do that?”

“You doubt your mother?”

“No, actually I don’t.”

“So how do we do this?”

Margaret lays out the plan as they drive back home and Wren repeats it back over and over again until they both have it completely memorized. They return home, change clothes and eat lunch as they finalize their plan. After lunch Wren is off on her bike and her Mom leaves in the Buick. Wren heads out to a Walmart to pick up a set of dark blue work pants and a white work shirt and a small tool bag then she heads back home. Back at home she goes to a cabinet in her room and starts putting the tools her Mom has instructed her to pack into her tool bag. At five-thirty Margaret returns home with a box under her arm. She goes straight to the kitchen table and unpacks the box, a hard hat, boot spikes, a pole belt, a small screwdriver looking tool and a black cylinder.

“Alright here we go, this is the tool that will tell us if he has DSL, which seeing how most young people are really into their computers I assume he does. This is the re-router. All you need to do is hang it along the wire and run these two leads into the junction block leading to his house. Once it is in place you unplug the battery and seal the lid. It is powered by the phone line so it’s self sufficient it is already programmed with all the information it needs to do its job. If it is unhooked it automatically forgets everything. Otherwise I can erase its memory remotely and no one will know who it belongs to or reports to.”

“So when do we install it?”

“As soon as you are changed. If we wait too late it will look suspicious.”

Wren changes into her new work clothes pinning her hair up into a tight bun to fit beneath her hard hat. Grabbing her tool bag with its new additions and her hard hat as she goes through, her and her mom head down the stairs.

“I added something to your hat. If you take a look you will notice there is a small transceiver in the top connected to a small camera on the brim and there is a earphone for your left ear. I have the matching video screen and microphone in the car. I’ll see everything you do and can walk you through the whole process.”

“Let’s get going then.”

They leave with Margaret parking a block away as Wren acts like she is following the lines to her destination. She climbs one pole and acts like she is looking at something poking tools around at junctions but not really doing anything.

“Wren, if you can hear me give me a sign.”

Wren pulls a small notebook and pen out of her bag and writes “sure can”. She heads to the next pole inside Clarence’s back yard. The wires she is looking for are very obvious as they come up out of the house to a junction block on the pole. She climbs up, securing herself in place with a safety belt on her rock climbing harness. She opens the junction and applies the tester to the wires.

“Well Wren here we go.”

The lights go green and Wren smiles as her Mom’s plan starts to take hold. She puts away the tester then pulls out the re-router, hooking it to the terminal block. She pulls the wires up tight to the cable and secures them in place. Opening the case the re-router’s lights are already flashing with activity as she removes the battery. Sealing the case she attaches it to the wires and climbs down the pole.

“Wren I am moving to the next street to pick you up so that no one sees you get in, saw you get out.”

A street over Wren gets into the car and they head out onto the street.

“Well now we just go home and wait to see what he does.”

When they return home Norman is pacing the living room waiting on them. Margaret nudges Wren in the ribs and nods toward Norman as she passes her to turn on the computer. Wren turns and walks over to Norman who looks very relieved to see them yet still concerned.

“What’s up lover boy?”

“I was a little worried about what the two of you were up to.”

“Now why were you worried about me and mom? I mean after all we were together.”

“But I know you and I know her history from her own mouth. Nothing says she wouldn’t be your get away driver.”

“The Predator is nocturnal. In case you didn’t notice, it's still daylight. Come on, I'll show you what we have been up to.”

She leads him into her mom’s computer and they pull up a couple of chairs.

“Any luck?”

“Only if you want to hear his mom talking to another woman about how she never goes out anymore. The only new info is that she did say she has a meeting on Saturday but she wasn’t sure if she’d go.”

“Excuse me but did you two do an illegal wiretap on someone’s house?”

“Would you listen to him, he acts like that’s worse than the other things I’ve done. Yes we did, but this is neat because it not only taps the phone but the internet connection as well.”

“Hang on guys, someone is on-line. It’s an e-mail. Must be his mom. She's asking someone for a recipe. But as long as she is on-line.”

Margaret starts typing furiously into a DOS prompt while the other two watch. Soon a new line forms all on its own. Windows XP professional, one point eight gigahertz AMD processor, two gigabyte ram. She types a few more lines and a new window opens showing a series of file names.

“Mom, what did you just do?”

“This is the contents of his hard drive and this little file looks promising.”

She points at a file marked journal entries. A few more clicks and the file is open in front of them.

“You know, just because people have a separate screen name and log in on a system they never think they need to password protect critical files. I think we can safely save this away for now to read later. Wren would you get me a thumb drive from the drawer over there?”

Wren pulls out a drive and hands it to her mom who is busily typing again before she inserts it into the system. Margaret continues typing along for some time before she finally sits back and watches the screen. A small window appears on the desktop and with a click of the mouse the image changes and they can all see an email being typed though no one is touching the keyboard.

“Margaret what is going on?”

“Well Norman in my business we sometimes have to enter a system remotely to see what is going on. It saves a lot of driving around to fix simple program problems that usually only take a few minutes. However, in the hands of some you can use the system against itself and search the memory or make it do things it really ought not to be doing. Right now I have established administrative rights into the system and can enter its memory and functions at will. You are currently seeing a copy of their screen and what is being typed. The difference is if we were on the other end passwords would be dots or asterisks we on the other hand will see what they are precisely. It will allow us to see where they go and what they do at any time. I have also established a hidden file within the system to post exactly what web sites they visit and the login and password information.”

“Two things, one wouldn’t their antivirus catch your work and two can’t it be traced back to you?”

“To them it appears that the antivirus is working as normal because I tricked it by coming in, in DOS as a system folder as the administrator. And as far as tracing goes everything is going through the re-router. If anyone disconnects it its memory goes blank and to open it will disconnect it. So we’re pretty safe besides only the phone company would know it’s not supposed to be there. Relax for a while and take a look through this thumb drive we may just learn something about the Predators prey.”

Thursday, December 8, 2022

Victim 18 Post 52


The next morning Wren carefully slides out of bed being careful not to wake Norman as she does. Her foot catches something hard and there’s a loud thump on the floor followed by a low whirring sound. She practically leaps toward the sound as it rolls under the bed. Grabbing it she quickly turns it off and stands still watching Norman roll over and open his eyes.

“You can slide undetected into peoples homes and kill them before they know what’s happening but you can’t get out of bed without waking up the whole building.”

“That’s not true I only woke you.”

“So where are you sneaking off to at this hour?”

“This hour? It’s seven in the morning! For your information I’m going to take a shower.”

“Fine, I'll join you then.”

Norman gets up and stretches then follows Wren into the bathroom. Soon they are in the shower their hands washing but not themselves. It takes them a little longer than normal before they are out and drying off.

“Wren something’s puzzling me.”

She wraps her arms around his neck and looks deeply into his eyes.

“What’s that lover boy?”

“Didn’t you tell me once that your cycle is exactly thirty days?”

“Yes…That should have been yesterday!”

Wren grabs her housecoat and throws it on as she races from the room and quickly starts pounding on her mother’s door.

“Mom, I have a problem.”

“Come on in and tell me what it is and we’ll see if we can work it out.”

“I think I might be pregnant!”

“What makes you think that?”

“My cycle has always been thirty days, never more, never less. Today is day thirty-one.”

“Now let us not get all in a tizzy. Many things can throw your cycle off illness, stress, injuries, pregnancy, not sleeping, fucking like rabbits in heat. Now how many of these things can we equate to you? Stress for sure, not enough sleep definitely and I think it safe to assume the last the way you and Norman carry on. Do not worry about it so much, let life take you where it will. If you are, then you are, at least you are married to a good man. Your new job has health coverage and it would be a wonderfully peaceful place to have a child.

Now wipe the tears from your eyes. There is no reason to be upset about this just think how many missed periods your grandmother had before I came along. How many times she cried herself to sleep because one was a week or two late. I always thought it was odd that you ran on such a clockwork schedule.”

“Thanks mom.”

“I will be here for you as long as the good Lord leaves me here for you. Now why don’t you run along? Your husband needs his breakfast before work and he is probably worried sick about you now.”

Wren hugs her mom and heads back in to Norman. She reenters their room to find Norman sitting at the end of the bed putting on his shoes. A look of shock mixed with fear covering his face as he looks up at her. Lines run down his face from his eyes where another well of tears is ready to swell over and cascade down his face. Wren instantly feels the regret of torturing him as she did by running out of the room. And just as fast pure ecstasy and joy flow through her fast and hard. She throws off her housecoat and with a slight leap lands herself directly in Norman’s lap knocking him backwards as she does. Her hands are pinning his shoulders to the bed while her knees rest on his upper thighs. She stares at his bewildered face looking deep into his eyes before she tries to suck the breath out him with her hard forceful kiss. Her mouth moves around on his face as she snakes her tongue into his mouth. She holds him like this kissing him until she feels his arms wrapping themselves around her lithe body.

“I think someone is going to be a Daddy.”

“You really think so?”

“Mom says it’s too early to know for sure that there are several things that could cause me to be late, stress, not sleeping, fucking like rabbits in heat.”

“Wren! I’m shocked to hear you talk like that. I didn’t think those words existed in your vocabulary.”

“I’m just quoting my mother. You know me better than that. But you know seeing as the subject is already brought up how about a quickie before breakfast?”

“I don’t know, it seems the gymnast in you has found a way out. It might be a little hazardous to my health.”

“I promise I’ll be easy on you.”

An hour later Wren is seeing Norman out the door to work and is heading back to the kitchen to clean up the dishes.

“Mom, what are you wearing?”

“Oh I forgot to tell you it’s Wednesday and we have a stress relief and planning session day on Wednesday’s.”

“Okay, but that doesn’t explain the outfit.”

“It does if you are going skydiving.”

“My mom goes skydiving? You mean jump out of an airplane type skydiving?”

“Is there another type? Have you ever been skydiving?”

“No, I did take the ground courses though when I did some hang gliding one semester in Costa Rica.”

“Why don’t you come along? It will help you get rid of some of the stress the Predator has put you under lately.”

“I don’t know.”

“Come on, I have an extra suit that I think would suit you just fine.”

Margaret grabs Wren by the arm and drags her into her room and into her closet. Soon Wren is dressed in a jumpsuit with fabric attached from under her arms to her outer legs and between her legs. An extra helmet is shoved into her hands and once again she is being drug out the door. It doesn’t take long before she is catching up with herself inside the Buick as they head into Illinois.

“You better braid your hair so it stays untangled. You know what a hundred and twenty miles an hour can do to your hair.”

An hour from home they pull up at a small airport. Walter walks up to the Buick and opens the door for Margaret and stares at Wren as she gets out.

“I see you brought an accomplice with you.”

“Captured would be more the term I would use.”

“Wren, you can still back out anytime you want.”

“No, I'm here, let's do it.”

They join the others from Margret’s job with all eyes on Wren.

“Everyone this is my daughter Wren.”

“THE, Wren Robbins the bike racer?”

“Wren this is Tony he’s the one who brought you to my attention when you were racing.”

“It’s a pleasure and an honor to meet you, could I get your autograph?”

A hard smack from Walter lets Tony know he is a little out of line.

“Sure but how about later I don’t seem to be prepared right now.”

They all climb into the tail of an old freight plane as they adjust their shoot packs. An instructor giving Wren some catch up instructions as to what to do and how everything works. As they climb and head to the drop zone the talk is of processors and problems each had found during their week and possible solutions. The talk is way over Wren’s head and she sits looking out the window at the passing clouds. She is quickly pulled back to reality though by a loud buzzer.

“Okay team we’ve reached the drop zone. Everyone keep a slight eye open for Wren since she is the novice amongst us. Now is everybody ready?”

A quick check from each person ensues and with that the ramp at the back of the plane starts to drop open. Everyone lines up for the jump and one by one they leap into the air off the ramp.

“Now Wren you do not have to jump if you do not want to.”

With that said Margaret leaps out with a twirl doing a pirouette in the air as she clears the plane. Wren walks back into the plane about half way along its length then turning on her heels starts a mad run at the ramp leaping into nothingness in a dive befitting her middle name. Her arms out and outstretched she can feel the wind being slowed by the fabric and understands just what her Mom meant by would suit her. She stretches out her arms and legs and slows herself down considerably. She feels like a leaf floating to the ground in some distant autumn beyond memory. Quickly she discovers that if she bends one arm or the other she can control her direction of flight. From her time in a hang glider she recognizes the feel of a thermal and just manages to catch it. Her descent again slows considerably as she finds just the right position to spiral the thermal. Now she truly feels she is a bird. She can see the others far below her as their shoots start to pop open one by one. She feels free as there is nothing but her and the sky as she flies seemingly slowly toward the ground the wind rushing past her like nothing she had ever experienced even on her bike there was nothing to compare it to. She is lost in her thoughts when a loud chirping sound brings her back to her present position hurtling toward Illinois at over a hundred miles an hour with no brakes. She pulls the cord for the shoot and instantly her descent is halted as it yanks her to a much slower twelve miles an hour. She bends her knees slightly as the ground comes up to welcome her home with a thud.

“You have never been skydiving before?”


“You handled that like a pro. I was really surprised at how you caught that thermal and just rode it down to the shoot point.”

“Okay everyone grab your lunch and I’ll see you back at the office.”

Wren and her Mom turn in their shoots and head back to the Buick, an overly large smile spread across Margret’s face. Wren can’t seem to stop giggling as they walk across the field to the car.

“What has given you such a fit of giggles?”

“The rush of the jump seems to have gone to my head. For once in my life I finally felt like my name fit.”

2-3-2025 yard & life updates

Over the weekend I had to use the tractor to drag my truck out of the mud that is my driveway. Some may wonder why the driveway is a mud bog...